
Iphones are government tracking devices.?

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  1. Iphones are not that cheaper any way. Therefore, it would take governments long for tracking the underworld data using Iphones. After all Iphones are definitely trackable, since at present only AT & T is involved with that.

    No one knows whether this white paper is true or another scam.

  2. more conspiracy theories from the liberal left.......

  3. I would definitely not discount that possibility. "1984" is more reality than fiction in today's world.

  4. Good to track.


  5. As part of the enhanced 911 system all cell phones are required to have the ability to report their location when the user calls a 911 phone center.

    There are some cell phones that come with a tracking service so the registered owner of that phone can see the location of that phone at all times and will receive a text message if that phone either does or does not arrive at a certain location.  (This is being marketed at parents who want to keep track of where their kids are).

    Now for the _really_ scary part.  

    I attended a conference hosted by the NSA a couple of months ago and got a briefing on the security vulnerabilities of cell phones.  As a result I now understand why cell phones are banned from classified material areas - period.

    The operating system for cell phones is designed for automatic remote software updates from your cell phone provider.  This happens without the user of the cell phone even being aware that it is happening.  As a result a hacker can create a simulated cell tower, connect to you phone and re-program it to do anything he wants.

    That is not really your cell phone - it is simply being lent to you by hackers who do not need it at the moment.

  6. This was very interesting, but not at all surprising that you can be tracked, as trackable security strips are being inserted in to a lot of things you buy these days.

    As far as monitoring your cell phone conversations goes, that is also not new.

    I don't want an iPhone anyway, because it's too risky to place all your eggs in one electronic basket.

  7. Boy, and so many pay so much to get it (to lose their freedom).

    From the hardware standpoint, if the device has an ID, there will be a mean to track the device down. Since iPhone is a phone, the system definitely need to know where to send and receive signal from...thus, if the government has these ID info, they can track everyone.

  8. Alex Jones-easque hype_-BTW I agree that 9/11 was a false flag -but Jones seems to specialize in inducing learned helplessness and misplaced paranoia in his audience.

    The fact is that anybody can be tracked by  their cell phone long before this.

  9. Actually they are. But you can avoid detection by wearing a hat of aluminum foil. And getting drunk.

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