
Ipicuc syrup?

by Guest67152  |  earlier

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So I was drinking my coffee just now when when my friend and his brother who made said coffee bursts into the room laughing. They threw a bottle on my lap and ran away. This JUST happened

What is syrup of ipicuc?

Should I go to the hospital?




  1. epecac, I think.

    It makes you vomit, you take it if your coffee has been poisoned, say.

    I think it's a medical thing, if you're in trouble, you should call somebody like Poison Control. They'll tell you what to do.

    Also, what happened? Your question is all like, "blarrgh."

  2. I would think it would only make you vomit but you could call poison control or a hospital or Dr. office to be sure. That was kind of mean of the person making the coffee.

  3. You should be ok, you might be depositing your breakfast into the toilet bowl, but you should be ok.

  4. You are probably hurling right now, but you should live.  You own your "friend" and his brother a serious *** kicking!  See the link!

  5. So, how old are these people?

    Yes, it will make you throw up like the other participants said but you will live.  Sheesh - that's dangerous and stupid.

  6. it makes you throw up. You probably won't need a hospital, but you should find a bucket. Fast.

  7. You are probably hurling right now, but you should live.  You own your "friend" and his brother a serious a$$ kicking!  See the link!

  8. It's Ipecac and it makes you puke; you should be OK but that was stupid and dangerous and could harm you given certain circumstances. You should check with your doctor anyway just to be on the safe side.

    Wait a few months then bake Brownies or chocolate chip cookies using ex lax instead of chocolate and given them to your brother.
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