
Ipod frozen and restart method not working ?

by Guest67097  |  earlier

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ok so my ipod is frozen and this has happened a few times before, so I've done the restart method.. hold down the play/pause button and the center button.. well that generally works but my problem is that even though my ipod lock switch is off, the screen is saying that I have it locked. This also has happened to be in the past but I just left it on until it died and then I was able to use it, I didn't mind before because it was almost dead but it's on full battery and I need it for a dance assignment. Any ideas on how to fix this?




  1. if its locked and you put it in the computer it will on lock its self

  2. well if i were you then just go to and look at the f.a.q and if that doesn't work then do the feedback and mail them and you should get an answer but till then why dont you burn your songs on a c.d from your itunes library so you can do the dance assignment but in a reg. c.d player hope i helped!!

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