
Ipod on airplane..?

by Guest32141  |  earlier

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ive been looking at peoples ipod questions consering ipod on an airplane most say u can have it just after u take off and b4 u land and whenever the flight attent says turn them off or on.........i really dont want to sit there for 5 hours board out of my mind i am just wondering will it get taken away or is it ok cuase i no those trerists now theres rules........plzz i want to no thanks....plz excuse my bad spelling lol




  1. I take mine. No problems so far. It will have to go in the security tray with your other stuff. Just don't accidentally walk off without it :)

  2. You can take it.   It will have to be off for takeoff and landing but you'll be able to use it for the remainder of the flight

  3. It's not as big of a deal as people make it out to be. You can definitely have it on the plane, you'll just have to turn it off for about 5 minutes or so while the plane reaches crusing altitude and then for about 10 minutes when the crew announces that you'll be "landing shortly".

  4. its fine as long as you wait until ur at 10000 feet (the flight attendent will announce it) good luck!

  5. they will come on the little intercom thing they use and tell you when it is ok to use (it is ok above 10,000 feet) and when to put it up right before you land.. but it can't be used below 10,000 feet.

  6. Yes you can take your iPod. Its totally find. You can't use it under 10,000 feet though. Which consists in taxing, take off, and landing basically.
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