
Ipod touch boot help!!!

by  |  earlier

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have this ipod touch with the firmware 1.1.5. I jailbroke it a couple of days ago and have been adding programs. It has been okay until today when I synced it with Itunes. The itunes was playing music from the ipod, therefore at teh beginning of the next song, it said the disk was not there. Then I looked at my ipod and it displayed this message:

"Singleuser boot -- fsck not done

Root device is mounted read-only

If you want to make modification to fil


/sbin/fsck -fy

/sbin/mount -uw /

If you wish to boot the system:


# _"

i tried revering but my mpnt recognize




  1. REstore it through iTunes and upgrade to 2.0 FOR FREE if you want at there is a guide there

    Then use the pwnage tool 2.0 to PWN it.

  2. Fsck is referring to File System check and it says not done  

    It also says /sbin this is referring to the root directory which holds all the files of the system, and obviously due to jail breaking it you have modified the system files.

    So basically your root system files arn't mounting, which is causing this error.

    You could try undoing the jailbreak manually I know there is a way to do it as I seen a guy do it.

    Add note

    Try this

    Plug the itouch in then hold both the power button and the other main button it should restarts, make sure you are still holding down the buttons after the restart, it should do it again but this time it comes up on a restore screen and you might be able restore from a backup if your lucky.

  3. Its broken go get another one.

  4. You can try restarting it while its connected to your computer, or just returning it for another ...

  5. apple doesn't cover warranty for jailbroken ipod touches and iphones

  6. its busted. get another one.

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