
Ipod touch had a blackout?

by Guest45292  |  earlier

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i was just playing a game on my ipod touch when it suddenly turned off i then couldn't get it back on! then i suddenly realized it was on but it was very very very very dark and could varelly see so i went to settings (which was very hard by the way) and the brightness level as up all the way -__- so then i looked up and then it said NO WIFI!!!!!!! i was really angry now \____/ and when i tried to click on it it wouldnt come up!!!!!!!!!! please help me!~ or the least you can do is give me apples email address i dont know it! thank you for your time ;) :D :)




  1. i would try to restore it.

    my itouch turns off automatically and i don't know why

    it will only let me play like 5 games and then it turns off

    i hope mine doesn't black out.

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