
Ipod touch help!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my ipod touch 16gb 2.0 won't start up. when I turn it on, it just displays the apple logo forever. I reseted by holdin the home and on/off button but it didnt work. when i connected to itunes, it doesnt appears and itunes freezes everytime i plug my itouch. please help, btw it has never been jailbroken before n i own a windows vista pc. thanks!




  1. try holding the home and sleep button again. If not plug it into iTunes and if it freezes(mine does sometimes too) wait 30 minutes. If that doesnt work take it to an apple store, good luck.

  2. Buy another one....... Just kidding :p.... try downloading the previous version of itunes or make a restart by holding home and sleep buttons...... Otherwise take it to an apple store.... Is your waranty still valid??? i think you should use her.......

  3. try this

    turn up your speakers and open itunes

    make sure the screen is off (black)

    hold the power and home button for EXACTLY 10 seconds

    release the power button wait for the ba-bum sound on your pc (usb connect sound), should be around 10 seconds, or more, or less

    release home and restore in itunes!!

    if this dosent work go to the link below, the fourms are helpful..
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