
Ipod touch jailbreak or 2.0 software

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should i just keep my jailbroken 1.1.4 ipod touch or should i just upgrade to the 2.0 software. By the look of things installer isnt getting anything new. And the appstore has a bunch of cool stuff like the myspace app. But im worried that if i update my ipod to 2.0 i wont have things like customize, categories, and synch step. So should i just update my ipod or leave it a jailbroken 1.1.4.




  1. wait until 2.1 comes out. 2.0 is buggy. you can upgrade to 2.0 then jailbreak with winpwn.

  2. 2.0 is already jailbroken so you can go ahead and update if you want. however, it's still very new so if you do upgrade; prepare for some glitches and bugs. 1.1.4's jailbreak is more stable at the moment because nearly everything will work on it. customize and summerboard don't work on 1.1.5 but it is slightly faster in my opinion. all in all, if you want to be able to add more apps and are willing to pay for a few good ones, go for 2.0. if 1.1.4 is good enough for you, stay there. besides, what else does the new firmwire have that you absolutely need?

    my ipod is on 1.1.5 but not jailbroken or anything. i haven't really had good experiences with jailbreaking 1.1.4 and it constantly forced me to restore. but i thought about it and jailbreaking doesn't do anything major but give you a new look.

    -hope this helps.

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