
Ipod touch upgrade 2.0

by  |  earlier

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I have an ipod touch and my bro has one but i dont have mine right now and my bro has his so he wants me 2 install the update and i will install the update for mine later! my question is can you use the update more than 1 time or will i have 2 pay 10 more dollers 2 get another update???





  1. well see i wasn't going to get robbed by apple so i didn't pay $10 i found the link to the hack.... go to

    look around you'll see what your looking for

  2. It depends you use the same computer.... You may have to but it again if you have different comps under different ppl.  

  3. you can use it as many times as you want

  4. After you download the paid update, you can use it as many times as you need.

    Hope this helps!

  5. i dont care
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