
Ipod trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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well my ipod basically says i need to format it but i did and it still keeps saying that when i connect i t to the computer it says do not diconnect with a white background and i dont know whats wrong

please help

oh and it says its on recovery mode but i dont know why or how to take it off




  1. Okay The same thing happened to my ipod it said do not disconnect and i pressed eject and it still said that. Take it to the apple store and let them look at it and they will fix that and the other problems for free or low cost.

  2. Do you have a broken charge cord?

    That happened to mine

    and I had to buy a new one because

    it completely jacked up my pod.

    I restored it about 5 times and now its back to normal...

    I hope this helped..

  3. if the ipod shows up in the itunes window click restore or just leave it because revoervy mode is when it needs to be reformatted.

  4. is there a yellow triangle with maybe a sad face i think it is? If its that then you need to replace it.

  5. okay this is the easiest way

    1       click on ur ipod in itunes(it should say ur name under it)

    2          after it will show u something saying update  and restore

    3         alll u have to do is press the rrestore button

    4         and just wait  till its stop ssyncing after press a arrow button next to ur ipod to disconnect


  6. Stick some magnets on it.

  7. take it to an apple store they are very helpful

  8. Huh if it says please do not discunect thats normal. Mine always says that when I charge it on my ocmputer. It just means don't take the end of the wire connected to the ipod out before you take the end connected to the computer out.

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