
Iran and nukes?

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ok from what ive learned iran is a islamic nation. in islam the prophet muhammad p.b.u.h made it death penalty to attack innocent, terrorism, and to use weapons that destroy everything a.k.a nukes. and why would the nation with mostly shia and the whole islamic court agree to that. and if nukes are so bad why can america have them?russia? are they special?




  1. it is like everything else.the need for power is killing us is no longer about the west but now everybody wants to be included.Iran has got what we in the west want-oil.but it is up to middle -east to sort something out before it is to late.

  2. first, Muslims are un-trustworthy. that is my real experience.

    next, nuke is bad for everyone, and do you want to stay close to a country decorated their missiles with slogans such as

    'x*x country must be uprooted and erased from history'.

    and that country is now developing a nuke too.

    (fill up "x*x country" with Israelite if you want to know what x*x country is.

    fill up "x*x country" with your country if you want to know why Israelite act the way she do. )

    you can pray they will never success in developing the bomb and /or you do whatever to stop them before they strike you.

  3. If you think the jews who really control the world would let the Iranians nuke their homeland then think again.  They are manipulating the situation in the Gulf to artificially rise oil prices so the petrol companies and banks they own can make more profits.

    Any government who has stepped out of line with their will has been crushed by the Allies..  n**i Germany, the USSR, Napoleonic France, the Confederate States of America.

    I predict a regime change in Iran before it comes to nukes.

  4. Can anyone tell me where these test missiles land and what happens to them?

  5. Iran will try to nuke some one as that is the reason we still have troops in Iraq as we might have to attack Iran.
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