
Iran. is it such a threat

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According to the ludicrous American media, Iran is supposed to be developing nuclear bombs and their president is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Well OK let's just ignore all the evidence for a minute and say that this is true. I still can't quite see why Iran is a threat which justifies American military aggression and yet Russia and China with their massive nuclear arsenals as well as a history of conflict with other nations are not. An unsophisticated soul might interpret this as an example of the U.S. bullying the little guys whilst steering clear of anyone that might fight back. Of course i realise their must be another explanation because if this were true it would mean that the U.S. was just a shameful disgrace to civilisation.




  1. From the bottom of his heart, Uncle Sam has never considered Russia or China as friends to begin with, not even a partner.  From the Georgia/Russia war, from the so-called Kosovo independence show,  from the so-called "Free Tibet" episode, .... those are all the signs that Uncle Sam has been trying hard to disintegrate both Russia and China to make a gain.  The fact also tells us both Russia and China are not stupid neither. They all know how  old, how weak, how sick , how corrupted Uncle Sam's  family has been during past 30 years. As the time arrives, if Uncle Sam pushes both Russia and China to their edge, they will form aliance by uniting all major Muslim nations to counter western influence. By that time, Iran will have a major role to play along side with Russia and China.  

  2. Russia has had bombs for a wile. and china too. there not as much of a threat as Iran and ill tell you why. The last time i checked we and close to 150000 troops in Iraq. that's what the government is telling us. well i know for a fact that there is much more than that the government lies so well. so we got a bunch of troops in Iraq, that's right next door to a bunch of countries that openly want to kill the troops. Iran being one of the major supporters. we are not fighting many Iraqis anymore. we are fighting militants from different countries. they have saw the opportunity to have war with America but not be at war with America. pretty much there using Iraq as there battle grounds. so what we need to do is start cutting down on the countries that doesn't care if the people are attacking us troops and are more than likely telling them to do that. so why waste our time fighting in Iraq with countries that just want to kill us. lets go to the source of the problem and fix it!

    This prove right here that they are fighting back.

  3. The real threat to human existence is America

  4. Iran is a threat because they sell oil in EUROS.

  5. they said the same thing about Iraq... did they find anything???

    it's just the american gov't playing playing risk with the world.

  6. I'll hazard a guess and say no they get a bad press.

  7. All the reports I have read in the US media regarding Iran’s President Ahmadinejad statements about Israel have turned out be distortions and equivalent to the type of propaganda that one only expects to hear in wartime.

    Watch the YouTube video below on the subject of Mr. Wallace Interviewing Iranian President Ahmadinejad on 60 Minutes.

    Wallace is an absolute liar and distorter of the truth.

    This is another example of Mainstream Media's continuing suppression of basic facts concerning Israel and Iran and other dramatic details related to the Middle East.

    Zionist radicals have so much power in American media and government that vital truths don’t come out.

  8. As the ONLY nation to ever drop atomic bombs on sleeping children, the White Estates of America has NO right to tell any nation what to do with their arsenal.

    After years of lies and distortion, we now know that Harry Truman's own White House diaries show that nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only to fire a warning shot at the Soviets, without whom we could not have defeated Hitler and the fascists. The Truman diaries show that the US knew fully well that Japan was ready to sue for peace with both the US and USSR. We have been hoodwinked into believing that the A-bombs saved the lives of "hundreds of thousands" of US troops that would be lost in the invasion of the Japanese mainland. LIES!!  We dropped the two atomic bombs on civilian population centers with NO military value to warn the Soviets against any postwar moves.

    The people who say that 911 was a case of our own chickens coming home to roost are correct. What goes around comes around. As sad and horrific as the WTC destruction was, we have to understand that we had it coming, as an instant karmic reaping of the horrible seeds we have sown.

    Let the other nations of the world pressure Iran and other countries to disarm and stop their nuclear weapons programs--we, as one of history's most terroristic nations, have NO moral standing to insist on others to drop nuclear weapons programs---we have no right because of our terrible history of violence and imperialistic machinations.

    Iran, as with ALL other nations, must abandon these evil weapons.

    But the US needs to clean its own side of the street and stop telling others what to do.  

  9. It is now that the pot got stirred, to be honest, we didn't need to go to Iraq and it ticked off the people next door.  

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