
Iranian Missile Launches, is this a Macho Act?

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I've Seen people (and Countries) Act Macho, Many Times as a Substitute for Thinking, While it Make the Person (or Country) Feel Better, Typically Others Suffer.

About These Missiles, Are Either of Them Capable of Carrying a U-235 Warhead Very Far?




  1. It is meant to counter the Israeli war games that they conducted a short while ago. They do have a missile in their arsenal with the capability of reaching Israel. Let's hope that matters calm down peacefully. The US has enough wars going on with out a third one to contend with at the present time.

  2. Oil rich Iran is having inflation. All Ayatollahs are in jail. Internal strife is suppressed there with cruel show of strength. Israel is a free country fighting for survival . Irani missile test  is not in the interest of peace.

  3. No it's an act of complete stupidity. Wave a red flag in the bull's face long enough and your azz has had it. We don't know what the missiles are capable of carrying so you must make preparations for the worst.

  4. When one country starts posturing the rest have a need to flex their own muscles...which country has done the most posturing in the last few years?

  5. It is and act which doesn't cause suffer to anyone. The country, with its people who were born there, who, together with their ancestors, continuously live there for more then 3000 years, had proven it has the capability to defend itself and its people. That's all.

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