
Iranian appeasement?

by Guest56207  |  earlier

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With Bush ready to talk with Iran, and establish a diplomatic presence in Iran, would McCain continue this policy of appeasement?




  1. The Axis of Evil will parlay it's nuclear threat for American dollars.  North Korea did and soon will be a favored nation trading partner,  just as China, the worlds biggest communist dictatorship, is.  Iran will also do the Nuke trick if the US stops calling them Evil, gives them billions  and makes them a favored trading partner.  Poor Cuba has no nukes so they get to continue to be a totally non-threatening pariah.

  2. So not true

  3. That is not true! Bush has just sent a low-level envoy to listen in to see what they are saying. Bush will not talk with Iranian leaders without pre-conditions!

  4. iranian  are  not  arab!
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