
Iranian can't take a bathroom break becouse the white house will acusse them of nuclear droppings,true.? ?

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CRAWFORD, Texas (AFP) - The White House said Sunday that Iran's announcement it had launched a home-built rocket into space was "troubling" because such technology could also be used for ballistic missiles.




  1. If you say so I guess it's true.Thank you for the information.

  2. ...i picture a long white 1979 Cadillac Coup De' Ville convertible, barrelling across an open dessert, plumes of sand in the air, long white robes flapping relentlessly in the air above the car

    ...arms of passengers all hanging over the sides of the car, while smoking huge Cuban cigars

    ....I do not have any reason to believe that the Iranians are capabl of space travel, ballistics from space, and also I do not believe they have any ability in tracking trajectory of any such missle in orbit, nor do they possess any such technology that further enables a launch from space

    ....pure fiction

    ...thanks for the funny story about the "DIY' Iranian rocket! all Iranians may rest-in-peace-assured of every fact that they are being 'watched' closely by unknown sources from beyond this world

  3. Quite right; it is very dangerous to let an Iranian use the bathroom.  Radioactive p**p is too great a threat.

  4. Yes you're right.

    Washington finds fault in everyone else:

    Iran builds nuclear power stations. It's a trick says Washington.

    China hosts great Olympics. But they need to blamed for human rights.

    Russia intervenes to prevent massacre. Get out shouts Bush.

    Iraq goes about it's daily business. Washington says they're hiding WMD.

  5. you bet ye.

  6. I don't think they do.

  7. i cant understand what the h**l is wrong with the US govt! I mean duh what on earth can a nuclear Iran do to the US?!!

    even if they had the nuclear capability they still would need to develop a technology to deliver extremely accurately their nuclear warheads across seven seas covering a route that takes 14 hours for a passenger plane to cover!!

    whats wrong with the world! just get off the Iranian case.. they are a sovereign country!

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