
Iranians: What incident, concerning Iran, the United States and terrorism, happened 20 years ago, on this day?

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July 3rd not today!




  1. I can not come up with any thing, YET!

    It's not hostage taking.

    That happened from Nov-79 till Jan 81.

    ADD: I've got it. US, shut down the passenger airliner. Really a sad event and US's wrong doing.

    PS, I'm just wondering if this lady (down below) will rush to her judgement again!! That, in this case along with many other cases, ''well documented'', US had been ''the threat''!

    BUT, what US always has in its arsenal is the 'all inclusive Mic's' with huge speakers to outline what is in its best interest!! Weird and unjust, isn't it!!

  2. The American Navy killed innocent passengers. It destroyed a Boeing passenger plane with the excuse of thinking it was a military plane. All 290 people aboard died, including 66 children. America claimed it was a “mistake and didn’t apologize officialy.

    This incident was quickly forgotten by the international community. It’s weird how almost nobody knows about this but almost everybody knows about the attack on an American base in Beirut and the hostage crisis.

    Who is 'the lady down below'? If you mean me, i'm not a lady (it's ok anyway). Saeqeh is the name of an Iranian plane and it means thunder.

  3. I don't know the answer but lots of well knowing Persians are on my friends list whom may know the answer

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