
Iraq and Afghanistan Question?

by Guest32122  |  earlier

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My question about Iraq is when do you think the Marines will leave Iraq? Also when most of the fighting forces leave Iraq (i know there's going to be permanent bases there) but when most fight forces leave Iraq do you think the fighting will kinda increase like I think the insurgents know that they are losing so i think they are just like stepping back but when most of the American fighting forces leave i think the fighting will be back at a high level and it will be hard for the new Iraq Army and Police to fight back (what are the chances of that?)

Also how long do you think it will take to get Afghanistan to be how Iraq is almost now?.....Also will there always be fight in Afghanistan either it be 2day or 2 years from since who ever wants to kill Americans can just go to Afghanistan.




  1. When the Marines leave Iraq depends on a lot of things.

    Assuming current policies continue and you mean "armed forces" rather than just the marines, the current plan is 2011.

    The point is not to leave until the Iraqi forces can do the job themselves, which they are now starting to do. They have successfully beaten back the insurgents in Basra for example - not something anyone would have though possible a year or two ago.

    Because of that policy, it's very unlikely that withdrawal will actually lead to more insurgent activity - the point is we'll leave when it's gone and not coming back.

    Afghanistan is a NATO mission now, so that's completely different. It may take a very long time, but it's worth doing to deliver peace to people who have suffered through the devastation of war for longer than most can remember. You need to remember that it's not just Americans dying, many countries have had causalities there - the insurgents aren't that picky.

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