
Iraq and afghanistan vet need help?

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i am an afghanistan veteran and my roomate/best friend is an iraq veteran. we are in dire need of money. my roomate has had to recently declare bankruptcy, and i am trying to avoid that. i have about 15000 dollars in debt, (about 1/3 of it is my car) and if i could just pay of the little things i would be so much better off. weve both got two jobs between us, but we work in the restaurant industry and business is not very good right now. ive tried looking for another jobm but the economy is c**p right now. i dont like doing this, but i cant think of anything else. if theres anyone that could help or anybody that knows someone that can help, please please let me know.




  1. You gave 10 large to a breast cancer foundation?  I'm sorry but looking at your situation, however well intentioned you were, that can only lead me to believe you are financially irresponsible.  

    Why not get a contracting job in AF or IZ?  

  2. Vote for Obama.

  3. If you vote for Obama he'll raise your taxes to pay for his butt load of spending plan so you'll be taking home even less money then you do now.  Just because your a veteran nobody is going to give you more sympathy.  You and your roomate would have made good money if you've done tours to the middle east.  It's completely your fault for being financiallly irresponsible.  If you got a 5 grand car (1/3 of your $15,000) then you need to sell it and get yourself a beater worth $300 that gets you to and from work.  Depending on your jobs in the military, a lot of military contractors are hiring now especially if you have a security clearance.  Well your roomate won't have one with his bankruptcy, but you still might.  It's good for 2yrs after you leave.  15K isn't that much to be in debt either - a lot of people are worse off.  Keep looking for another job.

  4. Well there is half your problem right there, you are working in the restaurant industry. I'm assuming you were honorably discharged, right? In that case, go get a job in government. You get a smack load of points for federal jobs, and you can subtract the time you spent in the military from retirement.

    Third, where do you live? If it in any place that has decent public transportation, ditch your car if you have to. Cars will suck you dry of all your money, especially now that gas prices are so high. Some places it might not be a realistic option, but at least consider other options for getting around.

    Fourth, you have your GI Bill? Maybe you should consider going back to college. It might increase your debt somewhat a few years down the line, but you can counteract that by working while going to school It's not easy, but it is doable.

    And sorry, I can't help you out more directly. I'm a veteran myself, but don't have the cash to spare.

  5. Visit your local councilman.

    You can always become a Fireman, Head of Security or Policeman.

    Check for Job listings with Military experience needed not handouts.

    Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country.

  6. Contact the VA.. they have many programs for relief, and also, contact the local VFW, even if you are not a Member, they will verify your Service, and then help directly, or indirectly, depending  upon their local resources.

    Oh, and IF this is a scam... yeah well...

    Have a valid DD214, and take it to a Recruiter, if the VA, and the VFW are not nearby... they also have many resources ... but be sure to have your DD214 with you.

  7. This sounds really shaky.. $10k as a gift - how would that help your mother in law?

    Sure another person looking for a free lunch - just what NObama is offering to everyone - ever think where the money will come from to pay for the free lunch?  Working Class Americans

    As for the VA - it doesn't take that long.  Been there done that....

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