
Iraq surge?

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Since obama has said the surge isnt working is it possible that he has a military background we arent aware of that would make him an authority on these matters?




  1. My understanding is that the surge has worked and is continuing to work.  Obama just gave Americans proof of his ineptness and his  eagerness to give in to pressure by foreign countries.

  2. The surge has worked-the war is won. Yet this Obama idiot says if he had it to do over he still would not support a surge.

    And George Bush did it and McCain has been calling for a surge for 2 years.

    The surge was so successful that now Hussein Obama says we need a surge in Afghanistan-what a jerk.

  3. The "surge" of troops was supposed to reduce violence so political reconcilation could take place.

    the reduction in violence has more to do with the Madhi Army standing down and the US taxpayer funding the Sunnis to stop shooting at us.

    and no political  progress has been made. So in essence, we wasted the troop buildup and all that money, because we got nothing for it

  4. He says the Surge didn't work because he does NOT have a military background, nor experience in world politics, nor experience in national politics.  It's simply a case of naivety.

  5. we find out if the surge worked once we bring home the troops.

  6. Obama just wants to be the first black president of the United States and he will say whatever it takes to get him there.  Its not going to help him in this election to admit that his opponent was right and he was wrong.

  7. The surge has been like a pressure bandage on a wound.  Eventually, it will be lifted.  It is at that point that it can be determined  whether it worked or not.

    Obama nor anyone else will know this in advance.  Military training or not.

  8. Maybe from another planet. Funny he would say this just as things are calming there and all reports say we are achieving our objective, finally. (In other words, we are winning) Apparently, the surge had its' desired effect.

    I have noticed a serious memory prob with folks; The pres cannot declare war by himself, congress must vote it in. Congress was and is controlled by Democrats. Obama is blowing  a line of sh*t when he puts all the blame on Bush. Bush did his best with what was handed to him by the Democratic congress. The Dems knew he would get the blame if anything went wrong, and they make every effort to make sure of it.

  9. ya  "mission accomplished" again

  10. He feels that it is not working because it is draining our country of money we don't have.  Please study the effects of this war on our homeland before making these assertions.  We are not getting the return on our investment to make the surge or the war as a whole worth it.  We have now lost over 4000 of our servicemen and women for what?  Check out

    We are not dramatically safer!  Not to justify this foul war.

    P.S.  Most G.O.P folk like to march lock step behind foolish ideals blindly, believing that their character is enhanced by doing so.  A wise man or woman thinks for themselves, forms their own opinions, and from time to time flip flops on an issue because they are using their brains.  That said, go to with an open mind.
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