
Iraq war for dummies???

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i am 15, so i was in third grade when 9/11 happened and so on. i have just now decided that i want to be able to actually read articles regarding the Iraq war without saying "what?" every 2 seconds.

but everything i read doesn't start from the beginning, so can someone give me a quick overveiw of how it all started, why, the reason we're still over there, and anything else that might help a dummy like me understand this?

if not i totally understand, as i believe there is a whole lot to tell, but if someone could try that would be fantastic.

thank you so much.




  1. to start out youre gonna have to go back to the end of world war 2.....after the fall of berlin n***s scattered around the world and fled to avoid the allies. some of them went to present day iraq. there they started secret groups that would eventually become baathists (idk what language it it but it means reborn or resurected) this is saddadm husseins party.... after the baathists successfully overthrew the govt.( i think they did) saddam was appointed to be some kind of executioner and eventually made his was to president( prolly not to acturate but

    ) then the first gulf war happened and he invaded kuwait. Bush 1 with the help of NATO obliterated his army and sent him back to bagdad where he has stayed. The UN created no fly zones and sent economic restrictions on them preventing  oil sales( france never listened and the number one reason why they never supported the iraq war was because thats where they got their oil....

    now saddam hussien murdered thousands of people....seriously.... mostly kurds and shiites(maybe not a lot of them but theres a good number) and in the 2 years leading up to the invasion of iraq  had some evidendece of rebuilding his army and his weapons(wmds) i wont give anyone the credit of notincing this but BUSH 2 said get rid of them. he said no. Bush said it again. saddam said no. al queda said no ..and to h**l with america. bush went to the UN. they said take it down. they said no agin. so the UN gave a greenlight to a coalition force to invade iraq.....

    now there is alot that happend in the clinton admisitration that i cant remember but it is pretty important

  2. Pretty much everything the one above says is c**p. There were no WMD's. Theres nothing to debate. "Al Qaeda" was in the country, but in the Northern Kurdish regions, where Saddam had no power. Al Qaeda would have loved to see Saddam overthrown, since he ran a secular government. Saddam was a dictator. Evil is a ridiculous term to use. If you want to be objective, he was a dictator. I imagine most Iraqis actaully preferred Saddmas rule to the current state of affairs. The US has killed more civilians in a few short years that Saddam could have dreamed of killing in the 30 years he ruled.

    There are many reasons why we invaded them. The reasons the public were given all turned out to be bull. No WMD's, Saddam was not allied with Al-Qaeda, had nothing to do with 911. It was more about the US gaining power in the region, surrounding Iran, and keep oil transactions going in dollars. Thats another one. Saddam was starting to make his oiil transactions in Euros. Thats hurts the doallr. So natuarally we invade, kill untold numbers of people, and force the Iraqis to use dollars for oil transactions.

    Just remember, governments dont do things because "its the right thing to do". They do things to solidify their grip on power. This is true of ALL governments. None of them are above slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people to gain a little more power and wealth. Humans and their well being is just an afterthought used for covering their tracks.

  3. Iraq was ruled by an evil dictator named Saddam Hussein.  Research the Persian Gulf War and you can get somewhat of an idea of the history there.  We went to war with Iraq this time because supposedly they had weapons of mass destruction (whether that is accurate or not is debatable) and they harbored many terrorists and had terrorist training camps.  There was a alrge Al Quida network there, as there is in Afghanistan.  That should help you get started.

  4. Rob is wrong on one very important fact. The UN NEVER created a no-fly zone over Iraq. UN Security Council Resolution 688 called on member states to provide humanitarian relief to the Kurds in the north. The governments of the US, UK, and France twisted this around and falsely claimed that UNSC 688 gave them the authority to engage in a military operation to enforce this arbitrary no-fly zone that the UN did NOT approve of.

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