
Ireland News?

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So whats the deal on ireland right now has the fighting ceased since the british troops left? or is their still fighting and also i heard somewhere that the english offered that section they own of northern ireland back to ireland?? any truth because i have no idea whats true or not living in the U.S




  1. 'Answers_to_questions' put it better than I could have ever put it = )

  2. Yep Britain offered us all of Northern Ireland back.  All we have to do is email them all of our bank account numbers and details and we'll have it back in two weeks.

    Sorry, just taking the p**s.  Fighting has ceased, apparently Belfast is one the new European hotspots, and all is fairly good.  If you want to see Irish news on a regular basis go to or

  3. There was fighting for a while. The British troopss left ages ago. But now there has been a ceasefire. I never heard of that offer. We're a republic. All of the counties in Ulster bar Donegal are British.

  4. jeez what are u watching fox?believe it or not there is a gov, i ni with sinnn fein (ira)and the dup ian paisley i no pigs do fly lol

  5. Yeah most of what you hear in the states is bollix. Ireland is a Republic, in exactly the same way as the USA is a Republic (we had a war of independence too & we also won don't ya know!) Hasn't been British troops in Ireland going on 100 years.

    NORTHERN Ireland is still part of the UK but that is a completely different country. (Think like the USA & Canada; on the same land mass but totally separate countries).

    As to the English offering, well Northern Ireland is part of the UK not part of England or under English control as people so often incorrectly think.

    There are some still fighting going on in Northern Ireland by terrorists on both sides but at this stage it has more to do with mafia type crime than what they originally had claimed. It's how the terrorists make money, come to the states & sell the plastic paddies untrue stories to support their organizations. Terrorists are terrorists full stop no matter what the claim to be fighting for!

    Under the peace process the people of Ireland voted by an OVER WHELMING majority to change our constitution & give up claim on Northern Ireland. So yeah no one is offering it back, the Irish people have voted on giving up claim already!

    Oh yeah, just so you know too, there is no such country as Southern Ireland. The country if just plain Ireland (usually people will refer to the island of Ireland to mean the two countries that make up the island), you can call it Republic of Ireland too but it's more cumbersome.

  6. no there is no more fighting thank god and no part of northern ireland was offered back and all that stuff in the past isnt really an issue anymore.we dont really care about having northern ireland back its quite irrelevant :D

  7. First answer got it spot on. I'm from NI and the fighting has stopped.There's still resentment in some areas and the groups have not completely disappeared but it's nothing really. I remember ten years ago there used to be stories of sectarian violence every other night, now its about once every six months. As to NI being 'offered' to Ireland it doesn't work like that. Northern Ireland can only become part of Ireland if the majority of people in NI want it which is very likely to be anytime in the near future. For future news on NI politics don't trust the American news!!! Some things which American tourists have asked me confirm that things aren't really conveyed properly over there! xx
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