
Ireland! Should EOS go OR given another chance?

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  1. hi welshchick.his game plan has not altered from the days of gatland.i think they should stick with him.and his search for younger talent needs to come through.

  2. EOS is not good enough to coach ireland....

    ireland has many problems that other nations dont have such as having to have at least 1 player from northern ireland just to keep it ireland and not just the republic a bias against players playing in other countries the list goes on and on

    for the life of me i cant understand how a team with munsters pack and leinsters backs cant win the 6 nations, a team with a world class flyhalf/kicker in ronan o'gara it has to be EOS there is no other explanation

  3. another chance because he a good coach its the players that need 2 up there game

  4. I think what you have to ask about any coach in any sport is whether the team performs better than the sum of its parts. Although the current Irish team is probably not as good as it was cracked up to be it has definitely underperformed at the World Cup and in this six nations Probably time for a change ( assuming someone better is available )

  5. Think he is a shrewd talented coach who is as bright as they come... He is actually doing well to bring on the next crop of irish players, who will only get better and better under his stewardship.

  6. He deserves one more chance, if he fails, then serious consideration for his future was be taken.

  7. i think he shud b given another chance!!!

  8. Only if he's the best you can get.

  9. He's already had too many chances.

    He's way too stubborn and I think it's time for a change!

  10. I've got to ask, are all the people saying he should stay actually Irish?

    I'm not, but I can't stand him. He's far too conservative, and people have been tricked into thinking he's voluntarily blooding new players, when for the most part it's only because he's having his hand forced by injury. The only good selection decisions he's instigated has been getting shot of Stringer and Easterby for Reddan and Heaslip - both of whom were displaying shocking form and should been scrapped a year ago.

    And he hasn't shown any real solid evidence of being a talented tactician, or any good at raising morale. I never really bought that Ireland were a team of superstars, but they were a h**l of a lot better than their showings over the past 9 months. Their performances in the World Cup were absolutely dismal. Of course, some of their fate was in the hands of the players - but when you have pretty much the whole team underperforming, then you have to ask questions of the coach.

    He's great for the rest of the world. I'm much happier to play teams coached by the likes of EOS or Brian Ashton, but speaking honestly, and for the benefit of rugby, he'd have to go.

  11. Eddie should go, and be closely followed by his team!

    Give a young Irish team their chance to stand up and show what they can do!

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