
Ireland and Scotland disliked the British. Why?

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I have been looking for the answer to this question for..a couple days. Please please please!!! someone help me! Thanks




  1. Erm, there's a slight problem with you question...  The island that is Great Britain contains three former countries - England, Scotland and Wales.  Therefore, the Scottish are British...  I think you're getting the terms 'English' and 'British' mixed up.  If you're asking why they dislike the English then....

    Scotland - 500 years ago Scotland and England used to be separate countries and as with all neighbouring countries back in those days there were rivalries/wars between the two, namely because of border territories.  Even though we're now one country we all very much still identify with our old nationalities (I've always regarded myself as English, not British) and so some rivalry still remains.  The Scottish think the Englash are domineering snobs; the English think the Scottish are barbaric drunks.  These days it tends to be more of a friendly rivalry though.

    As for Ireland, I've never got the impression that this 'friendly rivalry' is anywhere as strong as it is in Scotland.  They used to be part of our country (together with the countries on Great Britain to form the United Kingdom) but the majority in the south wanted independance and, as we're a democratic country, we let them leave.  I'd like to point out to the poster above that the British have not been trying to take over Ireland.  When the majority wanted to leave we let them go; we only retained Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom as the majority in those counties are Protestant and expressed a desire to remain part of the UK.  Their choice, not ours (look up the Ulster Covenant).  Mostly the rivalry with Ireland only tends to crop up in sporting events.

  2. The situation is that the Irish and Scots feel the English exploit the resources of the rest of the archipelago and they have a history of religious differences.  The English are also seen as institutionally and individually racist against the other nations.

  3. i had no idea that was the case, ive got irish and scottish in me but im british

  4. because they were oppressed by the English.

    Pay special attention to Scottish history from 14th century to the late 19th century and to Irish history from about the16th century to the early 20th century and Northern Ireland to the end of the 20th century.

  5. I trust you are American?  Why did the American Colonies dislike Britain?  I think this goes some way to answerring your question.

  6. Monarchial domination, war, servitude, plundering of resources, Carpet Baggering (Dukes, Earls, Barrons, Lords, Ladies, arranged marriages), forced Religion, puppet goverment.

    Plus those Brits have a funny accent.

  7. the british have been trying to take over ireland for a long time i think... and the irish are protective of their country. also, the irish are generally catholic and the british are generally protestant which causes conflicts between the 2. belfast, northern ireland is the capital of conflict in in that country. have no clue about scottland

  8. People in Ireland and Scotland ARE British.  They are a part of the United Kingdom, also known as Great BRITAIN.

    Do you think they disliked the English???

    If that's the case, I don't know why.

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