
Ireland and UK sharing on EU Comission seat? Get Real Frogs?

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Funny is'nt it, when we all try to denounce stereotypes, like the French being arrogant and then bang, all of a sudden we have Sars. stating that Ireland and UK should share an EU Comission seat?

1.Arrogance- Sars-"Countries that have similar languages and culture should be be given a seat, e.g Ireland and the UK" Often counties that have similar languages are often the result of colinisation, no? Surely, if the UN ever wanted to reduce the number of seats how about France and Sengal sharing a position? Does Sars (and any other French who agree with his stance), not realise that, with all their grandeur notions of how the past makes up a nations present culture, that Ireland for an awful long long time has.............................well lets just say that the powers that be in the UK have frequently stomped all over the faces of the Irish! I could go on here............................

2.Bullies-Sars. "Ireland will have to vote again"- Bit of a contradiction here really when you consider how the democratic vote is held in such a high regard in France, then this dude decides to waltz to Dublin (for 45 mins!) and decides to tell us to vote again. Is this serious, really? Even if you did detest the French, there is one thing that you always had to love and that was there ideals of democracy and if the people arent happy the Big G (Government) will be sure to hear of it. What Im getting at here, is that Ireland votes NO to Lisbon; The French Voted No ages ago; France gets EU presidency; Sars Aint happy with Ireland sayin NO to the updated treaty; so tell us to vote again (but thats undemocaratic and untypically French); so he trys the other route that he know will make Irish blood boil:

-Sharing a seat with the UK in the EU Commision which will, ultimately lead to many more problems (within the Brish Isles and Europe)

Sars a douche bag? EU turning into a mean machine? Ireland (the little man) gonna lose out? Or is this just a silly rant?




  1. couldn't  agree  with you more. but then i don't like the french. ( actually i don't particularly like Europeans of any kind ) time to get rid of this corrupt pathetic EU i think.

  2. well said my celtic friend.

  3. You lost me after 'Sars' I thought Ireland stopped colonising British territory?

  4. You can bet your bottom euro that the french won`t be sharing a commission seat with anyone, same goes for the germans.

  5. **** sarkozy this ain't france he ain't gonna push me around he can suck my balls! i'll vote no again if i have two!

  6. Bullying indeed, and I am afraid that the powers behind the EU are going to be ramping it up in other directions before too long.

    I'm not qualified to answer your question except by being a resident of the U.S., where there are factions that would like to establish a North American Union. Not regular working people mind you, but big money people who have an abiding interest in consolidating financial and political power. I keep arguing that as government gets bigger, the voice and influence of an individual person, and of individual nations, gets smaller.

    I wish you all the best.

  7. What! never! So what you saying is the whole family should suffer because of one naughty child!! That's so unfair!! Given that Great Britain should be sent to bed without any tea, and in a fair a decent world, be given a golly good spanking to boot. Surely, a brother (Although not close one) should be able to offer guidance and advice, knowing full well that none will be heard and nobody goes on the trip to the seaside.

    Yep pointless rant, understand the system mate, its not paranoia

  8. The truth is,onyl Ireland has had the opportunity to vote on the revised EU treaty and they voted against despite being a major benefactor of EU subsidies.

    Clearly the rejection is a rejection of the EU as a whole.In the same way that no one here in Britain is fully aware of the wording of the revised treaty yet wanted the chance to vote against it anyway.

    The frogs are merely using any available method to force ratification.

    When will our New Labour and EU enslavers realise that NO means NO.It doesnt mean that were too stupid to understand so we m ust go away and try again to keep Kinnock and his entire extended family in highly salaried non-jobs in Brussels.

    As for your comments about the UK stomping on the face of Ireland,perhaps there is some confusion.Ireland was part of the UK.During this time ,it was given government,law and order,modern farming and security from invaders.All of which didnt exists before British control.The horror stories you hear about oppression under the British are just anti-British propaganda.The Irish went through some difficult times,just as the rest of Britain did.

    The british dragged the Irish forward a thousand years,so I might ask for a big "Thank you".

    OK ,so my comments arent going to be popular since Hollywood has spent decades portraying the Irish as a friendly,well meaning simple folk surrounded by Leprechauns and Shamrocks etc,whist being downtrodden by the arrogant,imperialist British.It takes a lot of reading to purge the minds of the easily led.The Scots have never been the same since they watched the most toe curling distortion of history and

    anti-English lies ever put on to celluloid.Yes,Braveheart."Theyll never take our freedom!".     Sigh...

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