
Ireland and USA which place is better to work and live?

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A friend of mine is originally from Moldova. She lived in Boston, USA for over 2 years and recently moved to Dublin, Ireland. Can anyone tell me if her new place is better or not in geneal. She is now waiting on tables in a pub.




  1. U S A!

  2. I think U.S.A because it has got a lot of good buisnesses so you can earn money

  3. I guess it depends on your point of view.  Some may say an industrial park is great to like as opposed to Central Park.  It depends on where your comfortable, and where your happy.

  4. Ireland is also a great place..but i prefer USA

  5. It depends on what you mean by better. When I was in the US, I was a bit shocked by the people - all they could talk about was how much money they earned and how much s*x they got, then they'd mention their families - in passing, it seemed. I thought they were really boring, to be honest.

    I would choose Ireland, because I like it much better. Yes, okay, the weather sucks and the cost of living is very high now, there's very little public transport, the health care system is not the best (but at least in Ireland there is a state health care system), and a lot of work still needs to be done on the infrastructure ... but people still know you and greet you when you go out walking, and it's still safe to go out walking during the day; you're not a number or an address, you're a person; you'll always find people to talk to about books and films you like; and there's still a strong sense of community even in the cities.

  6. I lived in Ireland and definately love living there because the majority of the people are friendly.  More than what you find in the USA.  I love getting up and being able to drive down to the ocean or out into the country.  

    The Euro would be better in the USA.  haha  If I could find a job in Ireland and live there it would be bliss.

  7. If you can work in the US and get paid in the Euro I would stay here.  If you have lived in the US all of your life go work in Ireland if you have the chance.  Dublin is very expensive. I loved Dublin but was just visiting. They are the most educated people in the world.  Sounds like a joke in there but it's true.

    Good Luck.

  8. Ireland is doing very well, economically, at this time and can be a very pleasant place to live.  It all depends on your point of view.  There is a different way of life in Ireland and you don't have the hyper way of life that you find in the states.  It would be a good idea to visit before you commit to move there for good.

  9. You make more money in the US.

    You have more pubs in Ireland.

  10. USA

  11. The wages and working conditions in Ireland are far better than in the US. Also, health care and education are more accessable.

    Minimum wage is $12.70, but you'll get more than that in Dublin.

    I have a friend from Japan working in dublin. She gets twice as much money for half as many hours working as a waitress than she did in an office job back home.

  12. Ireland is the best country in the world! The people r friendly and the cráic is sensational!

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