
Ireland... just need some opinions...?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think the chance for peace will INCREASE or DECREASE if the Protestant and Catholic populations continue to converge? Why?




  1. As an outsider, somewhat impartial - Increase. Mixing is good, it stops people from being "the Other" - instead they are seen as people. Everyone has had a taste of what a peaceful prosperous place it can be...why would they mess that up?

  2. That conflict has less and less to do with religion and more and more to do with politics year by year.

  3. hi you

    even doe at the end of the day the most easiest way of putting it, is the Protestant and catholic populations of northern Ireland there is more to it then that my view on this and if i up set  anybody here i will say sorry i dont means to, but there is so must hate after bulling up over the last 30 to 40 years how they found common ground to come this far i dont know but it will take hard work for both side for the next 50 to 60 years why this long well the people with hate will have died and gone and the seeds of trust and hope between one and other will have grown strong even doe deep down i would like a united Ireland i hope it works

  4. Religion!  The root of all evil!

  5. There's too much animus, it'll never happen.

  6. I'd say peace will increase, people had enough and want to get on with their lives.

  7. Pffft there will never be peace, you must be joking! Some people just never get along!

  8. Who knows... hopefully the chance for peace increases, as the people realize that it does not matter whether you'r ea protestant or a catholic, and that they all equally deserve to live in peace.

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