
Ireland ???

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Having an Irish mother sadly passed would have loved to hear the great news that was voiced on tv. today 30 yrs. of troubles over, peace for the North and South at last, such a beutiful country and freindliest of people. I can see prosperity happen for Ireland and I believe tourism will see fantastic numbers of visitors your opinions please Thankyou




  1. I am very glad to hear that peace has been achieved. It does put my mind at ease since I am touring in Ireland in a couple days. Even though as of late it was not a concern of mine when making my travel decisions.

  2. peace ???? bullshit one thing goes wrong it all goes to h**l

    one island, one country, one ireland

  3. "Peace for the North and South at last, such a beutiful country and freindliest of people. I can see prosperity happen for Ireland"

    You included southern or the Republic of Ireland in your quote there so I just thought I would correct you.  i was born 30 years ago (1977) in southern Ireland and in that time I have never seen any trouble.  In fact the Republic of Ireland has been almost crime free relatively speaking the whole time (with the exception of drug ganglords in dublin and limerick cities).  "The Troubles" never happened in this part of the island; they were totally confined to Northern Ireland full stop, the people in the republic watched on tv with the rest of the world.  I was born only 50 miles from the northern Ireland border but it was a world away from what was happening in places like south armagh, belfast, derry (another country if you would)

    As for prosperity; the Republic is one of the most prosperious countries in the world at present (something like 4th or 5th in the world in terms of average GDP per individual and home to the best living and working conditions in the world bar none). The end of the troubles in another country (ie northern ireland) wont make the republic more prosperious imo.  Nearly all of the worlds top electronic and chemical companies are already in place in the Republic such as google, intel, hp, microsoft, ebay, p+g, GlaxoSmithKline etc.  The problem the republic is currently facing is that everything is becoming so expensive here :(

    Northern Ireland is a beautiful part of the world; however it still has a long way to go before it can even claim to be on a even level with the south.  First its debts are mounting; second poor government over the years has lead to huge unemployment and third much hatred still exists up there despite what the tv people say or how much the likes of Paisley and Adams smile at each other (i should know my aunt who is a nationalist lives in the middle of a unionist estate in derry city).  one spark could easily ignite the whole thing again in northern ireland and that is what i fear the most.

  4. well it's been relatively peaceful for sometime. This is not gonna change anything (except in tourist's minds of course - I've actually been asked how I deal with terrorism in Ireland - I have never come across terrorism in the place I've lived in all my life)
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