
Irfan-yusuf playing ipl yusuf bcom more famous.wht do u think wil there any ego problem betwen them?

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Irfan-yusuf playing ipl yusuf bcom more famous.wht do u think wil there any ego problem betwen them?




  1. No, they willn't be any ego problem! Both are talented and they are intelligent enough to avoid the so-called "ego-clashes".

  2. Let me think and answer abt it

  3. how caring u r about pathan brothers

  4. Irfan is the  lucky one

  5. both are limted overs players. Irfran is much better than the slogger Yusuf, who looks like Frankistein.

  6. I dont find there must be any ego problem.

    Usuf has lesser experience than Irfan.

    Both r allrounders.

    So relation betw. them must b like a teacher & student " Guru aur Chella Ka Rishta".

  7. no

  8. nahh each one is special in their own way no controversy will arise till both of them dont get jealous of each other which i think is a rare happening so its just that IRFAN IS a brilliant bowler and stroke maker whereas  YUSUF is a brilliant slogger and more than a useful part timer...

  9. who is irfan-yusuf? sorry mac, i don't know that c**p him.

  10. even if it is there, it will bring the most talented to the glory and nothing else.  If at all any ego problem is there it will not reflect in matches. so, why we should bother ?

  11. Why should be any ego problem between the two brothers? Irfan is a big fan of Yousuf and if Yousuf does well in cricket, Irfan has nothing to lose but gain a lot being a younger brother. Some of what we see in the western culture is almost non-existence in some other cultures.

  12. no,there is nothing likethat

  13. they  were a  truth  brothers.they  have  some  plan who  come  most  famous  in  cricket  in india   wheather yusuf  play  well  irfan  will  happy   wheather  irfan play  well  yusuf  wil  happy.all  the indian young  citizen  cricket  well  no  players  they  have a  dream  to   play  to  india  team.all   youngh  player  are   thinking  we  want to  play  for  india  but  they  are brothers  they  are   playing  for  india .

  14. Both are talented but Irfan is lucky one!!!

  15. irfan patan and yusuf patan are from a family where - family bonding is given importance - there - respect one an others and enjoying one an others success is always there in their mind - so there is no ego problem between - those kind of brothers -

  16. i dnt think so is there have any problem between them, both are talented players and working hard for their places.

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