
Irish Dance: Adjudicators!?

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I was at a feis recently and I didn't place at all and I usually get 1st or 2nd! Some of the judges have grudges against the lady who owns my school so they place me down. I always get really good comments. ONE judge even said in the comment, "I don't like your teacher" How rude is that! Any judges who don't do that in PA? (Please name some feises)




  1. okay I hope my answer helps out a bit. As for the getting 1st and 2nds. I know where you are coming from...I usually place high when I dance in my region but sometimes they bring in judges from i don't know Canada and England you know out of the country and they don't like the style your teacher may teach. So on that note don't take it to personally. Yes unfortunately there is a lot of politics that are played in the world of feisanna. I know there are judges that don't place fair as well. As for the comment mad that does need to go to you they may or maynot take it to the higher ups but there is an ethics commitee and they do take care of issues like this. It isn't easy for a teacher to go up against a ADGRC but it does need to be given to your teacher. Also if you go the the website of the school that is holding the feis then you can usually look under musicans and adjudicators. For the most part they will have them up there before the feis caps off. I can't really give you a feis that doesn't have judges like that becuase they change up and bring judges in all the time and you never know where they will be unless you look and the feis website.

    Hope this helps and hang in there!!!!

  2. Well, i'm really sorry I cant be of much help in this answer - only in agreeing with you on how utterly rude it is. I definatly think judges hold some pretty weird grudges against various schools and dancers. For example, for my school judges love our dancers up until prizewinner. Then the second we get into preliminary they positivly hate us!

    Unfortunatly, I dont normally go to PA feisanna but you might need to mention that comment to your teacher (if you haven't already). Seeing as just out of ethical judgement judges shouldnt be bias - if possible, ask your teacher to find if there is a place to report it if at all possible. Also, I suppose asking for names may or may not help just because I think (though i havent competed in a while) that they wont tell you the judges until after one signs up for the feis. I am really sorry that happened to you, though! If you need anyone to rant about evil judges to, you know where i am!

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