
Irish Dance on So You Think You Can Dance

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i think irish dance requires the same and if not more skill than like hip hop, jazz, lyrical, ect.. so i think they should do an irishdance round, but i

A. wonder why they havent or If they have thought about it

B. Wanna kno other peoples opinions

C. any other styles that you think thbey should do...




  1. i think irish requires loooots of skill!

    A. they probably have thought about it, but it would be very difficult for someone who hasn't done it, or maybe has once or twice so it wouldn't end up looking to good BECAUSE it requires so much technique. last year they said on the show people were like "why dont they do tap?" and nigel said because its too difficult to teach and for people who don't know how to pick up

    b. i would loooove if they had irish dance, but that would be a whole nother show in itself!

    c. i can't really think of any other styles that they should add to the show, because the ones they have now, are ones that a decent dancer would be able to pick up and perform well. they also have to choose stuff based on what the audience likes so people probably wouldnt be too interested in irish. i really liked the bollywood dances they've done, so thats a new style that they will probably use next year a lot

    also, i dont remember if this was from the first season of SYTYCD or some other show, but i really remember a girl irish dancer that tried out doing hard shoe that was really good? i think her name was amanda or something

  2. a.  I bet they have thought about it.  They finally got Bollywood on there this season!  I think it'll definitely be on the repitoire for next season.  Nigel himself explained the importance of versatility in a dancer.  I just think if they throw too many different style out there at a time, it can get confusing for the non-dancer audience...does that make sense?

    b.  I'd love to see Irish dancing on SYTYCD!!  I know how challenging it is and although tap,jazz are my forte, I definitely appreciate the dance.  I've tried a few classes of Irish dance and boy - what a work out!!!

    c.  I'd love to see tap on there.  And not like that one 19 year old that auditioned w/ the suspenders....I'm talking show tapping, hoofing, Broadway tap, rhythm tap...and I'd LOVE to see Savion Glover as choreographer!!

  3. not too many people can do it and may not appeal to a wide range of people

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