
Irish Prime Minster may be EU's 1st President?

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"Bertie Ahern, the prime minister of Ireland, has emerged as a possible candidate for the Europe Union's first full-time president amid uncertainty over whether the bloc is seeking a global figure like Tony Blair or a lower-profile fixer."

"By contrast, during the Irish presidency of the EU, Ahern succeeded in reaching an agreement on the first attempt to adopt a European constitution. In June, Ireland will hold a referendum on the Lisbon treaty, which replaced the constitution after it was rejected by French and Dutch voters.

If he secures a "yes" as opinion polls predict, Ahern would gain in stature."

As a result of UK Eurosceptism, I feel that the EU might sidestep Tony Blair as a possible candidate for EU President.

Ahern is much more of an Europhile and is a proven skilled negotiator.

What do you think ???




  1. What do i think EU dangles a carrot and the Irish cannot wait to nibble!

    Thats not to say i would want Tony Blair as he has good as admitted to being a dictator.

    The EU is a corrupt Dictatorship which draws crooked politicians like moths to a light!

  2. Bertie (Basset) would only get the job if Bliar didn't want it.

    The job is pretty much Blair's.

  3. He's a crafty little weasel that I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him (and I'm a bit of a wimp).  Probably no worse than any other dirtbag they'd pick though.

  4. Bertie Ahern is a lying toe rag, who will be thrown out of his party shortly, an ex finance minister who did not pay his taxes, and who gave party monies to his ex to buy property in Dublin.( proven facts)

  5. Well it is a little better than a Turkey but not a lot, Can he sing ????

  6. It's embarrassing enough having that gombeen as Taoiseach let alone having him as figurehead of the whole EU.  Although he's enough of a cute h**r (that's Irish for sneaky b*****d - not cute in the sense of attractive.  Yuk) to cope with anything that gets thrown at him.  Wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw a truck.  Wonder if I can get an unsecured loan for the equivalent of £30,000punt from his friends if I act nice?

  7. A permanent president? Don't you mean dictator? It will be a dictator that's the final president for the EU!! That's what they truly want, a single man guiding them!!!!! Paul Henri Spaak confirmed it  years ago by a quote.

    And I quote: "We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and lift us out of the economic morass in which we are sinking, be he God or the devil, we will receive him."

    -Paul Henri Spaak.

  8. I say good for him. The presidency will only go to someone capable and with the necessary skills with which to officiate well. I see the Irish Prime Minister as one of those persons and good luck to him.

  9. anyone in europe is better than the bliar.Except one of the kaczinski siblings.

  10. That's just adding insult to injury,

    Tony Blair or Bertie Ahern what a choice, you would do better choosing between Ant and Dec or Del boy and Grandad

                  what a bunch of plonks Rodder's

  11. God help Europe!!



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