
Irish people - do any of you think Joe O'Reilly is innocent?

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I'm trying to remain unbiased but its getting increasingly difficult not to form a very definate opinion of GUILT




  1. I know its extremely difficult to keep an open mind in this one, I don't know how they got 12 people on the jury.

    Its all circumstantial, but they are compelling, like what man (or the majority of women for that matter) can tell the Garda there are some towels missing from the bathroom press?  He said to a friend 'I don't know why they're looking for the murder weapon there, why don't they look in the lake?'  He gave an interview to TV from his own home with the blood from his wife still staining the wall.  Her family don't' speak to him.  Its all just too strange for a grief stricken man.

    but its easy for me to past comment from reading newspapers and watching the news.

    But when was the last time a murder happened here when it wasn't' the husband/lover? or Wife for that matter, apart from all the scangers taking shots at each other of course.

  2. I'm utterly disgusted by the way this case is being tried by the media. I don't have to buy the newspapers, but I do have to listen tyo that totally trite c**p on RTE's main news programmes every friggin' day! As far as our national broadcasters are concerned this totally local, uninteresting case is more important than everything that happens in the world, from elections in Poland to the siege of a mosque in Pakistan, which could well be a deciding factor in the future of that country and the whole Middle East.

    Even if yon man is guilty, so far all evidence is circumstantial, and I, for one, would lie too, if I had been anywhere near home at the time my husband was murdered when it was common knowledge I didn't get along with him.

  3. I think he's guilty, but unfortunately a jury have to agree that they all think he is based on evidence they hear.

  4. I've been trying to keep an open mind but god damnit there's just something about that man that screams guilt.

    The note in the coffin, the affair, the comments at the funeral about the murder weapon, the message left on the mobile phone are just so strange. And now we find that he's not where he said he was during the time of the murder.

    One thing for sure - if he did do murder Rachael then ringing her mother knowing that she would find the body was such a cruel thing to do and he deserves a life sentence for that alone.

  5. What is he suppost to have done, I am Irish but have lost contact with Irish news as i don't live there anymore

  6. I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that he murdered his wife. However I do also think that he will get off the charge as there is basically not enough evidence at hand to prove it.

    It took so long long for them to actually bring him to court because they were trying to build evidence and still the main piece of evidence is that letter he left in the coffin in which he says sorry to her.....which proves nothing.

    It's horrible to think but it does seem like he has covered his track well enough.

  7. Innocent....The Butlers done it

  8. He's guilty as h**l!!!!

  9. Guilty as sin

  10. He is as guilty as his conscience.

    His actions on the late late remind me of ian huntly

  11. About as innocent as OJ Simpson.

    I always try to keep an open mind as well but he has been shown up to be a liar.

    He WAS in the vicinity of the Naul around the time of the murder as proven by mobile phone records

    He DID have an affair having previously denied it

    I'm sorry to say though all the evidence is circumstantial.

    Even the prosecution admit that

    On that basis it will be EXTREMELY hard to prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that he killed Rachael

    But I sincerely believe as does Rachaels family that he killed her

    Edit - WOW 'bugger' you don't beat about the bush!

    I wish you were on the jury

  12. guilty guilty guilty, but trying to prove it is another matter altogether

  13. I'm regularly amazed/disgusted by the way people get off with twisted stuff because of technicalities

    I really can't even see this happening..........but if it did the minister of justice would want to start passing bills

  14. It is difficult.  I believe he is guilty but it has to be proved.  If he is not guilty it is tough on him as almost everyone thinks he did it.  

    I agree that no man (not one I know anyway!) would know there was a towel missing from the house. Today's evidence that he had all those calls and texts with his lover and that they show that his mobile phone was in the area of his house is pretty damning.

    It will be interesting to see how it turns out.  HIs lawyers may claim that he has been tried unfairly by the public.  Also if they only have circumstantial evidence it is hard to get a guilty verdict.


  15. GUILTY GUILTY guilty guilty

  16. Yes he's guilty! He's a big liar also!

  17. I think he is guilty. I remeber seeing him on the Late Late Show quite soon after the murder and he just didn't seem to be acting like someone who had just lost their wife.

    Also the reports I've heard of how he acted when the Guards called into the house just seem weird.

    Plus theres the matter of the letter.

  18. no one is innocent as far as bugger is concerned hahaha, she is out for vengeance.. check out her profile hahahahahaha

    Joe O' Reilly is going down!!

  19. He's guilty. That thing in the news yesterday about the mesage he left on her mobile answering machine is sooo freaky.

    If, by some slim chance though, he's not guilty, there is no possible way that he could get a fair trail in this country, nearly everyone on the island has a theory on what made him do it.

  20. I think he's guilt but as people have said before its all circumstantial and you have to have reasonable doubt.

    The next similar case is the guy from Goatstown who murdered his wfe

  21. Ya he defo did it !! Mobile phone masts (ah so they do have a use!) proved that he went home for 1 hour, enough time to kill his wife. and the fact that he lied about going home at all seems to suggest he' GUILTY !! also he said he didn't make any phone calls to that nicky pelley person, but again the masts (woo!) proved that he called he regularly throughout the day, more lies. Yeah i just hope that he doesnt get a reduced sentence or escape on a legal technicality...

  22. He is guilty:  It is important news and not just a local story because it could set a precedent, especially if he is found guilty based on circumstantial evidence.  And worryingly this is the third case to go to court of its kind this year.  Perhaps you are male to think a case of this kind does not effect legal proceedings and anyone else affected by a case of this kind...  very sad if he does get off...

  23. I'm Irish, but I feel ashamed to say I haven't even got a clue who Joe O'Reilly is... maybe 4 days in a muddy field causes one to lose touch with current affairs...

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