
Irish spelling or English??

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My partner is Irish and we live in london. we have decided to name our daughter Caoimhe (that the Irish way of spelling it) now the way the english would spell it is Kieva. i love the name but i don't think that anyone will 1) remember how to spell it 2) she will spend her life pronouncing her name to people who have to read it out. 3) children are taught phonetically and spelling it the Irish way will mess her up, then again there are loads of non-phonetical spelt words, so ignor that one. so what do you think???




  1. I think it's a pain in the **** having to tell people every day what your name is, where it's from & how to spell it, as you've correctly said.

    Guaranteed that if you call her this, she'll use a middle name if you give her one.

    Don't be mean, give her a name that she & others can spell & pronounce before they're 16!

  2. Please use the name. It's beautiful! Also i have to say right now that my Dad named me a very long first name, (foreign) two middle names (also foreign) and two double barrelled surnames!!! (obviously also foreign) I LOVE my names and wouldn't change them for the world. It's actually nice to be different and if others don't know how to spell it they'll just have to be the ones to take that on board and learn won't they. Don't depriven your daughter of such a beautiful name and spell it please the Irish way as it looks so much prettier. I'm female too and i'm endlessly proud that my Dad chose such outstanding stunning names for me. Good Luck, your daughter will LOVE the fact that her name is so different.

  3. With actual Irish decent I think you have to go for the Irish spelling.  I think the English spelling doesn't look as good and people may think it's made up.  She will be taught a different way - my Mum is a nursery teacher and had an Aeoife and she taught her a special way for her name.

  4. what the f**k sort of name is that? never heard it before

  5. Caoimhe, I love the name and spelling might be an issue occasionally but I don't think you should change the spelling, the name's too beautiful.  

  6. I got the Irish name Aoife (pronounced Efa) so I know what your talking about.

    I also live in the UK

    Yeah almost ever day someone spells it wrong or mis-pronounces but it doesn't bother me. It makes me unique to an extent.  

  7. i think the english way

  8. Don't give your child an Irish spelt name unless you live in Ireland, otherwise you are subjecting her to a life of misery and repetition!

  9. Well, I'm Irish and love the name Caoimhe. I usually don't like changing the spellings of names but I know it can cause problems. Personally, I wouldn't change it. When I go to England, people have trouble with my name at first but it doesn't cause any major difficulties.

    Having said all that, Kieva, Keeva, and even Keevey are cute names too :)

  10. It's pronounced more like 'Queeva'. And it's such a pretty name ....

    However, on the point that children are taught phonetically and the spelling would mess her up ... well, how have children named Caoimhe, Niamh, Maeve, Ruairi, Conchubhair, Orlagh, Clodagh, Siobhan, Oisin, Fionn, fared to date? Not too bad, is the answer.  

  11. I agree with you. It is a beautiful name, but no one will be able to spell it, or pronounce it, and I think that this would continue throughout her life, as many adults wouldn't be able to pronounce it.

    Hope it helps!

  12. A girl in my school (so 15) is called Caoimhe. Nobody she meets knows how to pronounce it or spell it; most people end up spelling it Keva or Kieva. I do however think it is a beautiful name and I prefer the spelling Caoimhe. It's totally up to you, and good luck :)

  13. If she's going to spend her life speaking Gaelic, spell it the Irish way.  If she's going to speak English, spell it the English way.

  14. I reckon it's very thoughtful of you to consider the ball ache that your daughter would have to deal with..and you're right, you should spell it phonetically, for simplicity's sake

  15. This name is asking for trouble.  

    Seriously, there are tons of beautiful Irish names that aren't so difficult to spell or pronounce.  Using the Gaelic spelling is going to put quite a burden on your daughter, unless of course she lives in Ireland.

  16. My sis is Siobhan said (shivorn) - she has no end of trouble as people always misspell it or can't pronounce it when they see it written, that's something to think about.

    It's a lovely name by the way!

    kez x  

  17. Since you live in england i would say use the english spelling. If you use the irish spelling she will constantly have people saying her name wrong (i can't even attempt to say the irish spelling of the name where as the english spelling is easy to say) and i would imagine she would find it very difficult to learn to spell her name.

  18. I think Caoimhe is lovely, Kieva on the other hand looks made-up. Its a bit hard to spell but ony at first, people will get used to it. There are lots of foreign names out there, so dont worry too much.

  19. Thats my cousins name. Spelt the irish way. She never really had any problems with it. If you are going to give her an irish name then its only right to spell it the traditionial/irish way.

    Plus the english spelling just makes me think of chiken kievs yummy yes but a good thing associate somebody to? Probably not....

  20. i think the irish way is nice.

  21. I would go with the Irish way! It's nicer! Caoimhe is becoming more populuar so alot of people would know how to spell it! My names unusal and nobody can spell it or pronounce it, Keeley, but i like having a different name it sticks with pepole!

  22. Caoimhe is lovely! People may mispronounce it sometimes but once you correct them once or twice, they will say it correctly. It's a beautiful name and is more meaningful with traditional spelling.

  23. I prefer Kieva. I live in Ireland and mostly that name is spelt Caoimhe. Most people know how to spell it

    can you answer mine please;...

  24. i would honestly name her something else. kieva sounds russian even if its spelled phonetically. and forget even pronouncing Caoimhe. though if you insist i would spell it phonetically, but that kind of blows the point of giving her an irish name no?? cant you find an easier irish name?

  25. Either way is fine, its a lovely name,


  26. English.

  27. I would spell it the English way

    I had no idea how to pronounce it and its a shame cause it is such a pretty name


  28. I love the name Caoimhe.but I live in Ireland and my name is Cliona (pronounced 'Klee-on-a') and i constantly have to tell people how you say it and spell it and because you live in England it will be harder for her.  

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