
Iron pills and Multi vitamin pills?

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My doctor says that I am low in iron. Heboglobin was 7.5.

I'm 15 ; and my docotor perscribed me to take Iron pills [ 325 mg; have to take it everyday for 30 days] and she also told me to take multivitamin pills that i just bought on my own, they are 18mg in iron. Of course I bought the childrens vitamins. So, I'm a little concerned about when I should take the vitamin pills..




  1. A lot of people have a hard time assimilating iron pills, but a better source of Iron that is much easier for the body to absorbe is Black Strap Molassis, it can be found at any health food store. I took it when I was low on iron when I was pregnant, then I took a tablespoon a day. Hope this helps!

  2. Yes, that is extremely low. Pills should be taken as directed by a physician. But with levels as low as yours, did your doc suggest B12 injections?

  3. I too was prescribed iron supplements and to take a good multi-vitamin, you may want to consider a multi-vitamin without iron as your doctor has prescribed iron, as iron's side effect is constipation you don't want to overdo the iron intake, it's up to you the multi-vitamin to take as long as it's a good one -- personally I take Simply One Women by Super nutrition, on the bottle's cap is "iron fee".

  4. take the vitamin in the morning with your breakfast, then take the iron pill at night with dinner.

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