
Irons in Hotels in Italy?

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We have been thinking about this since we have come back to the US in March? We didn't see any irons in any of the three hotels we stayed in. One of the staff in Florence said that irons were illegal in hotels in Italy. Is this true? There are no screens or bars on the windows that people could fall out of easily, but irons are illegal?




  1. I really don't think this is true. I have stayed in many, many hotels across Italy and there were many irons. I could be wrong, but I think that the staff said that irons were illegal, because that is a good excuse for why they don't have one. It sounds better than just saying that they don't have one. I found the bigger hotels had irons more than the smaller boutique hotels, but then again, even at the small hotels, you could ask for an iron, even if it wasn't in your room. Unless this is a brand new law this year, I could almost guarantee that this is not true. I know this, because I have travelled for work in Italy and have always had an iron to press my shirts before meetings.

  2. I work in a hotel in Italy and we have irons!   Maybe they told you that because they were embarrassed to say they didn't have any.

  3. just stay away from the windows

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