
Irrational, angry mother?

by  |  earlier

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My mother suffers from depression, but when I don't do what she says she gets angry (if she hasn't taken her pills, or if they've worn off). She's scared me in these anger fits for a long time. Tonight, because I wouldn't get off the computer (I don't give in to bullying), she threw a shoe at me and threatened to hit the computer with the hammer. I know it sounds silly, but I also fear that she would hit me with the hammer. I know she's capable of doing so; she almost cut my wrists with scissors when I was about 6/7. She scared me tonight, but I didn't give in. Now I'm just angry. What could I do about her behaviour, if there are any possible solutions?




  1. You could approach a family member, one of your aunts or uncles or your grand parents ( if you have any living close by ) to try to speak to your mother.

    If that fails then you could go see your doctor (Gp ) especially if your mother & you have the same one. Explain to him/her what is going on, maybe your Gp will refer you to Child Protective Services.

    Your mother should not have thrown the shoe at you, that is classed as threatening behaviour & assault ( if the shoe actually hit you & marked you ).

    Your mother suffers from depression, perhaps you ( although it is not your place to do so ) could ensure that your mother has taken her medication at the correct time. Try to understand that your mother is ill. She doesn't mean to act the way she does, she has issues that she needs help to learn to cope with, she also needs to learn some anger coping techniques such as deep breathing & counting to 10.

    Sorry I can't be of more help to you, you sound like you need a big cuddle. Keep your chin up !

    Good luck. X :-)

  2. Your mother is dangerous and should be either made to take her medication or institutionalised.

  3. A hobby for your mom. Something she enjoys, that she can relax, and take deep breaths with. Pottery making usually calms a lot of the folks here at my anger management program.  

  4. you do have a problem there is a solution tie her up and put her in a cubbard, if dosen't work, then she will have to up her tablets it seems she is not on enough medication she should see her doctor again or infact YOU  should tell her doctor she is not confiding inhim like she should depression is a big problem and cant be swept under the carpet so you have a talk to her doctor in confidence do it now    

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