I would say that I am generally a very calm, sensible and down-to-earth person, but I seem to sometimes struggle with irrational anxiety that something bad will happen to someone I love. I don't think about it all the time, but if I haven't heard from someone when I was expecting to, or I can't get in touch with someone, my mind just imagines the worst case scenarios (usually completely unlikely) and I get myself so worked up to a point where I'm feeling sick to my stomach and shaky.
Logically I know that it isn't likely something bad has happened, and I try to calm myself down by telling myself that, but it doesn't help. This awful anxiety and panic just increase as time goes by and only go away once I know that the person is safe, no matter what I try to think or do to distract myself. Sometimes it gets to the point that I end up calling and texting until I get the person and I know it's irritating people and it's embarrassing because I don't want to seem like a neurotic mad woman, but I just can't seem to calm down and take a step back when I'm so anxious.
Does anyone else experience this at times or is there something wrong with me? Any advice on how to prevent these feelings or snap out of them when it happens?
Many thanks! :)