For as long as I can remember (since about 2003) I have only had bowel movements about 2-3x a week AT MOST. Since 2006 I incorporated tons of fiber into my diet. I get at least 100% of the daily value suggested everyday and still, no changes in movements. I have tried Activia, Flax seeds, Fiber Cereal, Fiber Bars, EVERYTHING. I am Lactose-Intolerant so the Yogurt is harsh on my stomach but I work out at least 30minutes daily and eat very well. I also drink plenty of water. Should I try laxatives? I don't want them to become a regular habit but I am ALWAYS bloated and can feel build up.
If it will help, here are my stats:
20 years old, Female,
BMI of 19, 123 lbs and 5'6"
What can I do about this? Is it something to be worried about? I have a history of Colon Cancer in my family and do not want anything bad to happen. Please let me know what I can do, if anything. Thanks so much!