
Irregular periods and testing for pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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My periods are irregular, they are at least 6 weeks apart. They started being like this since the birth of my last child.

Now I'm having some symptoms of pregnancy, but I'm not for sure when to test. My Dr's office RARELY does blood tests for pregnancy they just make you pee on a stick.

So my question is should I just keep testing every week until my period or positive? Or what?

no I'm not switching Dr's I have the only female dr around here.




  1. I had the same issue before I had my first baby, so I asked my Dr & she said I could wait until 6weeks to take the 1st test, but if you have two negatives in a row (one each week) then your Dr. should do the blood test to be sure & you may want to explore options on how you can regulate your periods to be able to conceive or not. You have ther ight to request a blood test.


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