
Irregular periods from meds? I may be pregnant?

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I'm 21 years old. I've been having unprotected s*x with my fiancee and I have been having irregular periods for a while. I've been having problems getting pregnant for the past few years (3-4.) I know there is a chance still that i might be. I have stress problems and I'm bipolar. I am on some medicatons...depakote, klonapin, and wellbutrin. For the past few months my period has been coming about every 30-31 days when normally some months and since I was younger it's every 28 days.

My period is now 5 days late if I was going off of my 28 day cycle. I took a cheap pregnancy test and it was negative. It might be too early to tell or I could be getting another late period. If it's another irregular/late period, what could be causing this? I looked up some info online on my meds and I didn't see irregular periods as side effects. If I had a fertility problem, is irregular periods a side effect?? Because this irregularity started slightly about a year and a half ago. I'm confused, worried and I don't know what the problem is. The doctor can't see me for an appointment for another month. Does anyone have any useful help? No rude answers please!!




  1. The real truth is that almost anything can effect the time that your periods come.  Stress, environment, life changes these can all be factors.  If you have had a negative HPT you probably have nothing to worry about however, I am one of those rare women who is almost always negative by urine testing.  There is always the possibility that you are pregnant and you are taking some pretty serious medications that you may or may not need to stop during pregnancy.

    My best friend's sister is bipolar (other issues too) and was able to stop all of her meds during pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby.  The pregnancy was difficult but she said it was worth it.  

    If you believe that there is a chance that you are pregnant, I would recommend that you go have a blood test.  If your Dr can't see you, try a clinic or even the emergency room.  They can do a blood pregnancy test and an ultrasound.

    I hope that this works out for you.

    Good Luck.

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