
Irritated with counselor...

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Ok, I am going to be a senior in high school this upcoming year. I just recently received my class schedule and I was unhappy with it so I emailed my counselor about it. I have never had a problem with this before. But this time he didn't answer for 6 days so I sent him another email asking whether he received my last email and I repeated my request. He emailed me almost an hour later and told me to talk to him once school started. The question I asked him was if he could please switch my 3rd period Art class to 5th period and my 5th period AP English class to 3rd period. It's really simple. I have a feeling he is going to ask me why I want the class periods switched and honestly I don't have another answer besides I want to be with my friends for at least one period. Honestly, if he did the switch, English would be the only class with my friends. Since I am going to be a senior this year I want to make the most of it. I don't think that answer would fly though so I need some help with better answers.

What are some reasons to switch that I can tell my counselor that are better than the actual reason?

p.s. this is the rest of my schedule if it helps:

0 - Homeroom

1 - Yearbook (has to be first period)

2- Art/His Floral Design

3 - Art

4 - Pre-Cal

5 - AP English

6 - Government




  1. Tell your counselor that you wouldn't be able to concentrate in your english class if you take it right after pre-cal. I know. I had Pre-cal 1st period my sophmore year and if it weren't for the clothing class inbetween then I would have probably failed my world history class. Pre-cal is a class that really crams your brain and it isn't smart to have a core class right after it. So an art class would be the perfect destressing class after pre-cal.

    that's my honest opinion. :)

    good luck with your counceor. :)

  2. say that english would help you so

    much and that you really want

    a say in what you'll be learning.

    but dont be mean or mad about

    it. just say it calmly. sorry about

    your dilemaa...gud luk=]

  3. Research proves that your brain is at it's highest point in the morning hours. If it's somewhat near morning (I hope!) then that's something to bring up.

    Or you can't concentrate around in the afternoon.

    I'll find something..just hold up for the next day...I'll find it..

  4. You could say that you have a problem with someone in the class.

  5. You can concentrate better early for English which is a harder class.

  6. Are you sure AP English is offered both periods?  My school only offered one AP English class.  Maybe that's why he's ignoring you.

  7. Tell him that Pre-Cal, AP English, and Government are three harder classes, and you don't want to have them all in a row.  Moving art would give you a one period break between Pre-Calc and Govt.

  8. um if they're different teachers then say that you would really enjoy the other teacher better and want to make the most out of your learning experience cause you think that they can better prepare you for college which you think is really important LOL..

    um.. you can say that your parents really suports you in this decision and if he wants to talk to them about this that it can be arranged -haha cause i don't think that they want to deal with your parents.

    umm.. yeah.. that's all i got.

    hope it helps.

  9. Because English requires more alertness, the earlier time would let you get the most out of the class. And art, being a right-brain activity, would work far better in the afternoon as that is when the brain is least "noisy" and most receptive to subconscious/subverbal stimuli and most creative.

    You know your own circadian rhythms best and feel strongly that this arrangement would let you get the most benefit from this semester's classes. Hey, this may actually be true!  

    good luck  ;)  

  10. i think you need to think of it from his POV. he's trying to prepare students for college/real world. he's not there to make everyone happy by putting them in classes with their friends. he probably gets complaints like that all the time and feels it isn't worth his time explaining that.

  11. get your parents involved. have one of them call the school and ask for an appointment to see the guidance counselor about getting your schedule changed. teachers are afraid of parents, so they'll probably concede.  

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