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I have this Chinese neighbor who lives across our house. She must be around 12-13 years old, but she cries a cries squeals like a pig. She does this almost every night because she's begging her father to help her with her home-work. It's really annoying though. And I can't sleep because she sometimes does it until midnight. She'd sometimes memorize an English word OUT LOUD that the whole neighborhood could hear her. The worst thing is that she lives across my window! I don't know what to do since her dad's a police officer. Would it be smart to say something, or should I just keep my mouth shut? It's just that her parents don't do anything about it.

Also, do you think this girl's spoiled? Is something wrong with this girl? Girls her age don't usually cry that loud.




  1. just go to their house and tell them

    if that continues you have every right to call the police;_ylc=...

  2. Talk to your parents about it, I'm guessing they have heard it too. They should talk to her parents.

    I'm thinking maybe stricking up a convo with her, and asking if she is ok, because you can hear her crying and stuff. I think she will get the idea :P

  3. she probably is OR she probably just really needs help with her homework, go over her house during the day and help her, that would be very nice. . Just think about it this way, you want to get rest? then go over and help! : )

  4. You have yourself a doozy with him being a police officer. It is not normal to whine and cry like that at her age. If talking to her family does not help than you should call the police for disturbance of the peace.
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