
Is £250 Police Compensation Enough?

by  |  earlier

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A serious and personal complaint was made to the Police. Details of the complaint along with name, address etc was sent to a prison inmate by mistake. The inmate made contact with the complainant. Police have offered £250 for breach of confidence.




  1. Yes....When police officers get beat up, they regularly only get £100 from the criminal compensation board. Even then the offender only pays £6 a month.

    Why are people money motivated? The person who made the mistake will have been dealt with appropriately, so what difference does the money make? The complainant has obviously not been put out of pocket and this reflects in the sum of money offered.

  2. Not really good enough. The money is not the issue. I would want to know what has happened to the idiot who made the error.

  3. Absolutely NOT!

    Trying to palm you (or whoever it was ) off big time

    Breach of privacy etc

    How sickening!

    Please take it further - Know Your Rights!

    All The Best


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