
Is 1.25 fl oz of bug spray per a person enough?

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I'm going on a trip to Africa in a malaria zone. Is this enough bug spray for two weeks? I am going in about 6 days.




  1. That should be fine, as long as it has deet (as mentioned) and you should know that malaria mosquitoes bite most at dusk and dawn, so these are the times of day that it matters - unlikely the rest of the time.

    You should also take oral malaria prophilaxis, if you're actually going to be in a malaria zone (not all of Africa is, and regions can vary within a country, depending on the time of year, season, etc.). You don't mention where in Africa you're going (big place) but I highly recommend either doxyclicline or malarone for anti-malaria. NOT something you want to contract!

    Have fun!

  2. wow you are really lucky. I'm not going this year cause I have summer school but i'll go in the winter and next summer.

    Yes a 1.25 fl oz is enough for a person, just make sure that the bug spray contains deet. You might not really have to spray it everyday because whenever I spray the normal bug sprays, the smell seems to attract even more mosquitoes for some weird reason. Maybe you could try a lotion? and long sleeved clothes (it will be cool anyways at this time of the year)

  3. I spent 2 months in Kenya last fall and I didn't use bug spray the whole time I was there.  I spent 4 days on Safari at Masi Mare and didn't use it there either.  I took a supply of Malaria tablets and didn't use them.  I left them there with one of the Pastors in Kibera Slum to give to someone in need.

    Bug spray is readily available in pharmacies and grocery stores and you'd probably be wise to just pick up some when you get there rather than transport it.  You're not supposed to put aerosal cans in your luggage.

    Most places provide mosquito netting to go over your bed at night when sleeping.

    Hopefully you have had your Yellow Fever and Hep C Vaccinations!

    If this is your first trip, you'll love it!  I'm going back in September, hopefully for a year!

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