
Is 1 and a half dayz enough time???

by  |  earlier

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is 1 and a half days enough time to write a 5 to 5 and 15 minute cause and effect speech, and memorize the the whole thing and not be able to mess up??? because if its not then someone needs to talk to my speech teacher???




  1. dpends on how much u work

  2. Sure it is!  You'll need to enter various parts of your life with a speech ready that you may have outlined on your way up the elevator, or in the 5 minutes that you're in the bathroom before a meeting.  You'll go through interviews (where you'll talk about how awesome you are), have to deal with confrontations, possibly raise children, meet with teachers, professors, and bosses.....all of these situations require a well-worded discussion and speechwriting is great practice!

    Jeez louise...I wish I've had a day and a half before going into some of the meetings/presentations I've gone into. :)  You'll do fine!

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