
Is 10-10-10 fertilizer poisonous to humans when used for a vegetable garden?

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I put 10-10-10 about 1" below the surface in a handful and then covered over with about 1/4" of soil then placed my seeds in a 3-4" circle and then covered over with soil.

I am concerned as to whether the fertilizer gets absorbed into the plants that are going to be eaten and whether that can make people sick or not. This method was given me by somebody that does plantings.

I am just checking this out with other people.

Plants are growing well....they get mostly rain water and sun.

Any advice?




  1. Triple 10 (10-10-10) is just the amount numbers (percentage) of nutrients that the plants need, that is in the fertilizer you are applying. These are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (potash). These nutrients occur naturally in the soil and water, from a wide range of sources (nitrogen is in rain water and decaying organic matter, phosphorus and potassium usually from mineral sources). What you are putting in your soil is not a pesticide, fungicide, or some other such. you are only increasing the amounts available to the plants THAT ARE ALREADY THERE. Without these nutrients, plants would not grow and ALL life would cease to exist. That doesn`t mean you should ingest concentrations of them, no more than you would set down and eat a bowlful of table salt.

  2. The plants are safe but if you are worried about it there are organic products for vegetable gardens.  

  3. You should not have any problems with putting any kind of fertilizers will not make you sick they may kill plants if you use  too much but you will not get sick  

  4. It will just give you a higher yield. Just about every thing you see at the grocery store has some type of fertilizer added to it to get a higher yield of crop. I used 50 lbs of 13-13-13 on mine every year and it never hurts anything. If you took a big hand full and ate it we would probably say good by to you or at least it would make you very sick but to use it with what you plant no problem.

  5. i use it all the time

  6. Yes, fertilizer is safe.  It's used on for basically everything you buy at the supermarket (except organic produce.)

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