
Is 11 months too young to wean the baby off the bottle?

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My doctor told me that when my daughter turns 11 months to start introducing her to whole milk in a sippy cup... Gradually of course, week one wipe out the first bottle and replace with sippy, week 2 wipe out the 2nd, week three... you catch my drift. But anways. My daughter isn't too fond of the cup. I have tried three different kinds of cups, the Nuby seems to be best for her, but she is still refusing it from time to time. My mom is giving me grief saying she's too young to be off the bottle, it's what she likes so I should give it to her. But other moms tell me their doctors tell them to do the same thing. Everywhere I turn I keep getting mixed opinions... I just want to hear some of your opinions or experiences with switching from a bottle to a cup. Thanks!




  1. Lucky for me my daughter refused to drink from the bottles. I actually breastfed my daughter up until she was 11 months old. I was expecting my second in 2 months and didn't want to feed them both. My daughter didn't like sippy cups either. It took her about 3 days to finally accept it. I would fill her cup and pretend to drink from it. She would always want to try it when I was done and would only take a couple of sips at first. I actually gave her water at first just so I wasn't wasting any milk. Gave her the sippy cup to carry around with her all day long and she finally started drinking from it after 3 days. That's when I started giving her milk. She loves the Avent sippy cups. It has a nice soft piece she can drink from and handles that can be removed when she gets older. Good luck. It may take some time. Just let your mother know that your doctor suggested it and you are going to do what YOU think is right.

  2. My girl will drink out of a regular cup if I hold it for her (she's 7 mo.) and I was told that it's easier a lot of times for them to transition to a regular cup than a sippy (messier but they get it easier).  Anyways i'd try a cup with a straw or something.  Also, it's not really too young, as around 12 mo. they can begin drinking whole milk and don't need the formula/breastmilk anymore.

  3. At Wal-Mart they have a sippy cup but it is shaped like a bottle and you can add handels too!  They are great for the transition, they even have the option of  anipple top or a sippy top, so if you get her used to that bottle then you can just change it around!  I think it is also available at ToyRus!  Good luck!

  4. Well just like everyone else your baby has a personality that is all its own and will have a different time line for when she is ready to switch to drinking from a cup. I see nothing wrong with trying to tempt her with the sippy cup from time to time to see if you can get her to change her mind but for now the most important thing is being sure she is getting the right nutrients she needs to grow and the milk is helping to do this.

    A good way to get your daughter comfortable with the sippy cup is to for now just let her play with it with nothing in it. and from time to time  put milk in it and pretend to take a drink from it yourself and be like, "MMMM, this is so good". You will see her start to take interest in the fact of wanting to do what mommy does and become willing to drink from it.

    If not dont worry, alot of kids go way past the age of one before being off the bottle completely. It will have no ill affect on her what so ever.

  5. My daughter who is now 3 years old didn't like her sippy cup either.  Our pediatrician told us to start weaning her off of it at 15 months.  As a result, she was drinking much less milk than she was before.  I wanted to give the bottle back, but didn't want to confuse her.  The doctor said that her milk intake would increase after 1 to 2 weeks of being on the cup.  But, it wasn't that way with my daughter.  It has been a struggle to get her to drink enough milk ever since we took her bottle away.  This time, I plan to wait until 18 months since I feel that I took it away too early last time.

  6. How old is she now?  I have always given mine a Nuby sippy (has a nipple type top) with water at about 10 months and kept formula in the bottle.  This has helped them get used to it.  At 11 months I started to give formula and milk in the bottle while still doing sippy cup with water ( not too much just enough for them to get the feel of it) then by 12 months, they were taking milk in a sippy cup.  After a few months I introduced a hard top sippy cup.

    Every baby is different and trial and error is the best approach.  doctors will tell you what the average baby is supposed to do according to their age but they are all different and you'll know when and what your baby is ready for.

  7. my son didnt like the sippy at first but i was consistent and just kept giving it to him and he finally took to it pretty good..By the time he was 11 months he was completely off the bottle taking both whole milk and formula in a cup..Just keep introducing it to her and make sure she is getting enough solids during the day that way when you start cutting bottles she will still be getting a full tummy..Good luck..It just takes time hang in there.....

  8. That's all parenting is opinions, there is no wrong or right way for a lot of things, pediatricians tell you what they think "is best" not what exactly is in the best interest for your personal baby that you know better than any one else in this whole world ever will.

    My advice to you is, do what makes you feel right, do what makes you feel good for your daughter, if she doesn't like the sippy keep it as an option if you want but there is no deadline for your child to be off the bottle, just to be on whole milk, that's about it.

    It is best to have your child on whole milk by age 1, they also make formula for children over 1 *Next Step* there are so many options but milk can be in anything for your child its up to you :0)

    If you listen to what everyone says it can give you a headache, I think that's why moms have "gut feelings" or mothers instinct, to know your child and do what "you" think is best.

    Good luck :0)

  9. I was told that when baby turns 6 months to start taking away a bottle and replacing with a cup until they are on a cup full time. did you try the ones by nuby with the handles and silicone nipples? those are the ones my son likes the best then they can go to the ones without the handles.  

  10. My little brother used a bottle until he was 2 then one day just decided he didn't want it anymore. I don't think there's anything wrong with an 11 month old wanting a bottle, if she takes it a few times and then wants a bottle I wouldn't have a problem with that.

    If she's really giving a hard time about it, then wait another couple of months - usually by a year and half they are okay with using a sippy cup.

  11. i took the bottle away from my baby at 6 months. she is now 9 months and she doesn't even try to grab other baby's bottles. it wasn't  easy but it also wasn't that hard. i introduced water in a sippy at 5 months and then started putting her formula in it a few weeks later. the hardest bottle to take away is the last bottle of the day.  

  12. I was told at 6 months I could start introducing a sippy if I wanted. I've been trying since about then. I don't switch out her milk babas. Only the juice ones. She'll drink it when she wants to, but at 11 mths old, she prefers to drink out of big girl cups and cups with straws.

  13. I think if she doesn't like the sippy cup then continue with the bottle.  My daughter will only take a couple sips out of a sippy and then push it away, so if it wasn't for her bottles there's no way she'd be drinking as much as she needs to.  I say until the baby has the hang of the sippy and likes it, keep the bottle.  I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you don't let them sleep with it because that increases the chance of cavities.  I would listen to your mom.  She's been through this before.  :)

  14. i start  when they are eating almost all table foods.i personally take mine off the bottle AND formula at 11mo. but my kids are always big and i feel its ok.

      but really.. every child is different, some are more strong willed than others, so for some it will be easier. i would say that if she takes it sometimes, you know she will. its just a matter of your will versus hers. but if she knows you'll give in.. then she has no reason to ever take it unless she wants to. see?

    once you decide thats the way YOU want it, then just dont give in

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