
Is 12 too young for makeup?

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i have a TON of makeup i just dont wear it.. well except for concealer and the occasional lipgloss.. is that ok?




  1. its not too young i started wearing makeup at 12

  2. only if your ugly

  3. I think so but it depends how you wear it. But you said that you only wear concealer and lipgloss and that's ok.  

  4. yeah i am 12 2 and i wear masacra and lipgloss.!so no ur not to young.

  5. Yes, I didn't wear any makeup until I was 16.  My mom wouldn't allow it.  Maybe you could wear some light eyeshadow if your mother lets you.

  6. Yea, i think its fine=)

    I'm starting to wear makeup now.

    & I'm 13 years old.

    So its normal, but just make sure you know how to use it correctly  because some people doesn't know how to put on eye liner & it might end up looking weird or even worse it can go into your eye.

    So my advice it to use simply light makeup cause your still young and your skin are sensitive so a lot of makeup on can mess up your skin.

    ~Hope i help        

  7. i think your a little young.wait a little.

  8. umm yea your lil young for makeup unless your like dressing up for a play or something.....................

  9. A little young. The later you start really pays off later. Skin looks tired after years of wearing the stuff.

  10. thats perfect!

    whatever suits you!

    im 12 [almost 13] and i never wear it.

    only on special occasions i wear eye shadow.

    you should spend more time enjoying kid life

    as you can cuz one day you might regret it!

  11. that's fine

  12. yes its okay: )

    thats when i started!

  13. 12 is too young to be wearing makeup (eyeliner, mascara, ect.)...but yeah concealer and lip glosss are fine

  14. No thats when I started, just dont go to overboard.  

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