
Is $120 for the REST of the month enough for me to live off of, after paying rent & bills?

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I have to buy toiletries, tissue paper, paper towels, dishwashing liquid, etc. & do laundry. I'm going to be COMPLETELY broke in a couple of days.




  1. Not in this economy!  Affter you buy all that what about your transportation expenses if you have a job and you never mention Food.

  2. Having been in tight spots myself, I can tell you that it is possible to do what you are asking.. but it's not pleasant.


    First thing, do not goto the grocery store or any department store for your toiletries, dishwashing soaps, laundry etc.   Any cleaning supplies will be way too expensive there.

    Instead you should try to find a Dollar Store in your area.  You should be able to pick up a months worth of cleaning supplies (for you and the house) for under $30.   The price difference on cleaning supplies here is drastic.

    That's going to leave around $90 a month for food and "other".  There is a wonderful group that provides food at an affordable price.   Food items include steak,  chicken, pork, breakfast foods, breads,  frozen waffles.. basically everything you would probably pay 4x as much for at the grocery store.

    For instance their August Menu was:

    .5 lb. Ribeye Steaks (4 x 6 oz.)

    5 lb. Chicken Leg Quarters

    28 oz. Chicken Breast Nuggets

    28 oz. Salisbury Steak Dinner Entrée

    32 oz. Breaded Chicken Breast Filets

    16 oz. Smoked Sausage

    16 oz. California Blend Frozen Vegetables

    16 oz. Frozen Carrots

      16 oz Frozen Chopped Spinach

    10 ct. Frozen Waffles

    16 oz Bean Soup Mix

    1 lb. Rice

    9 oz. Instant Potatoes (14 servings)

    15 oz Sliced Peaches

    32 oz Borden Shelf Stable Milk

    One Dozen Eggs

    One Dessert Item

    Total cost is $30.  For an additional $20 they allow you to add on additional steak packages, chicken, fruits and vegtables,  a variety of things.  

    You can learn more at

    If they do not have one in your area, contact them by phone or email and they can probably provide you with info on similar providers that are.

    Now - Assuming you spent $50 here, $30 on cleaning supplies that leaves $40.    

    I recommend paying yourself at this point.  Take half of that $20 - and stash it where you won't have easy access.  Do that every month.. then if an emergency arises 6 months from now, you'll have a safety net just incase.  I know it sounds easier then it is.. but do this first thing every month.. $20 put away.   If you do it right at the start, you won't miss it.  

    Worst case scenario if you REALLY do need it later the same month, you know you will have it and not spent it on something unneccessary.

    Also - Contact the local churches in your area and ask about community outreach programs they offer.  Many churches have programs to help people who are struggling and barely making it.  

    Don't feel bad for utilizing these services. The whole idea is to help keep you afloat during tough times so you don't fall and hit bottom.  Just remember to return the favors one day down the road when things are better for you.

    Best of luck,  it's not easy on that limited budget but I know you can do it!

  3. No, it's not. It's the beginning of August..we still have 29 more days until the month is over. That means you can only spend $30 a week on other necessities. If you've already paid your rent and bills, that's great...but what about gas? Do you have any outstanding debt? Is your car in good shape? I too am in the same position you are, and I thought that I could live off of $70 a week after all my bills were paid, but something always happens....something breaks down/runs out or I have to go to the doctor.  I am looking for a second job, I try to walk instead of drive, AND I clip coupons too. It's difficult, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

    People are not hiring you because you're disabled? The last time I checked, that was illegal. Don't give up, and while you're looking for a job, try making money on the side. You can sell some of your belongings on EBay. If you really need money, you can try selling your plasma...but only do that if you have no other alternative. And you're lucky you don't have a car right now...gas and maintenance are so's not even worth it.

  4. Community centres sometimes help with this sort of problem. You might start there

  5. You probably have to get everything from the 99 cent/dollar store. It is impossible to buy name brand toiletries, paper towels, detergent, etc. with that amount for one month. I agree with one of the other answers to take a little of that money and begin to create an emergency stash. Good Luck.

  6. Everybody is hurting financially now.  I am not that broke, but I stocked up on toiletries when the gas prices started to go up.  I knew that everything else would go up as well.  Clip coupons.  You can live without paper towels.  Get a part-time job to increase your income in addition to what you have now.  Put in some over-time at your current job.  

  7. Go shopping around for the cheapest deal, like Aldi or Dollar store.

    Get coupons out of the newspaper, that's how I save lots of money.

    Check out the sale bins at the stores.

    Paper towels, don't need them, use dish towels, you just have to wash them, lot cheaper.  I use them for napkins too.

    Wash your clothes in the kitchen sink by hand and hang them up to dry.  I have laundry out on the clothesline right now.  YOu can hang them on hangers in the bathroom till they are not drippy, then move them to another room.  I used to have ropes strung across my living room at one point because I wanted to save on electricity bill.

  8. Not possible.. we are just at the beginning of August. That's stretching $120 a long way.  I would not last a week with that money. You need food as well. You don't want to live on mouldy bread and water. Not possible to live a month with just that little money.and what about your Birthday, that would not be nice to have no proper birthday and save money in your birthday month... x*x

  9. if you don't have any dependents and don't plan on eating out, you should be ok

  10. I doubt it.  Buy stuff sparingly and give up some quality to save money.

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