
Is 126 Pound (9'9 Stone) Overweight For A 12 Year Old Girl?

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For my Chubby Lil Thang of a Sister, I am now going to get hurt (:

Thank you (:




  1. yes. its very obese!!! you could get diabetes and high blood pressure and have your legs choped off.  

  2. I'm 13 and I weigh 117.5 pounds. And I've been gaining weight so maybe it wouldn't hurt for her to lose about 10 pounds.

  3. Yes my brother is 13 and is 109 pounds. It is overweight, but not obese.

  4. No for a 12 year old girl over weight is 129-130  but it depends how tall she is im 13 and i weigh 115

  5. Guaranteed: She's going to grow out of it. As soon as she has her growth spurt, she'll fill in those 126 pounds nicely and shapely.

    So she NEEDS those 126 pounds to grow healthy.

    Don't tease her about it. :)

  6. I dont think that 126 pounds is over weight for a 12 year old, but how tall are you? That can play into what a healthy weight is at 12 years old.  

  7. No, leave her alone. How tall is she anyway? What is 9'9? If she's over 5'3" she's not overweight. I'm 5'7" 135 and I think I'm pretty thin.

    My brother used to call me fat and I became anorexic for 13 years. Be nice. I'm an nice.

  8. No not at all it could still be babyfat long as shes healthy it doesnt matter  

  9. lol umm im 5'5 and i wiegh 120 pounds i think its ok unless shes short.  

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